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Tearful Quotes

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I have had my fill of words and tearful farewells  (Tearful Quotes) He is not angry now; knives are not angry. He is not tearful now; knives are not tearful. He is simply sharp and keen and inevitable  (Tearful Quotes) On girls night in we talk about dating; the ups and downs of the previous week. Our collective laughter is uncontrollable and tearful, even the most disappointing dates become meritorious on girls night in  (Tearful Quotes) Why does the longing for love have to be so acute, like a desperate thirst? Is it because love is wanting to be saved and we can never really be saved? Maybe love is really born of our fears. Love is the heart’s desire for a painkiller; a tearful plea for a great big epidural. Yes that’s it: love is the only anesthesia that really works. And so people with broken hearts are really those who are just coming to, and if you’ve ever seen someone come out of general anesthesia, you know that it looks a lot like the beginnings of a broken heart  (Tearful Quotes) That deed is not well done of which a man must repent, and the reward of which he receives crying and with a tearful face  (Tearful Quotes) Is the sea drying up? It is going up into mist and coming down on us in this water spout, the rain. It raineth every day, and the weather represents our tearful despair on a large scale  (Tearful Quotes) Let the poets cry themselves to sleep, and all their tearful words will turn back into steam  (Tearful Quotes) The heavy rain beat down the tender branches of vine and jessamine, and trampled on them in its fury; and when the lightning gleamed, it showed the tearful leaves shivering and cowering together at the window, and tapping at it urgently, as if beseeching to be sheltered from the dismal night  (Tearful Quotes) She was the third beer. Not the first one, which the throat receives with almost tearful gratitude; nor the second, that confirms and extends the pleasure of the first. But the third, the one you drink because it’s there, because it can’t hurt, and because what difference does it make?  (Tearful Quotes) How different is the ready hand, tearful eye, and soothing voice, from the ostentatious appearance which is called pity  (Tearful Quotes) This bread and wine are the simple but eloquent monument to the infinite love of the Son of God, around which we gather with tender, tearful gratitude, because He loved us’so, and because we know that our garlands of affection and consecration are pleasing to Him.  (Tearful Quotes) My family know not to get me any tech for Christmas. I can never get it to work, and it all becomes very tearful and pressurised.  (Tearful Quotes) When I pull into a city and I rent a car and it’s Nashville, or it’s London, or I’m driving in the taxi to the hotel, and on comes one of my songs, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, they’re still playing these songs on the radio.’ And you still feel tearful and very grateful that somebody still likes these songs that you made up.  (Tearful Quotes)