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Tears Quotes

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Ours are the tears, though few, sincerely shed, while ocean shrouds and sepulchres our dead  (Tears Quotes) Her tears, like drops of molten lead, with torment burn the passage to my heart  (Tears Quotes) Sorrows humanize our race; tears are the showers that fertilize this world  (Tears Quotes) You can’t see anything properly while your eyes are blurred with tears  (Tears Quotes) A writer should never mark the page with their own tears  (Tears Quotes) You can get swept away by a musical, but real tears are rare  (Tears Quotes) Tears may be dried up, but the heart - never  (Tears Quotes) If the world’s a veil of tears, Smile till rainbows span it  (Tears Quotes) The most efficient water power in the world - women’s tears  (Tears Quotes) Tears are the messengers of true love  (Tears Quotes) Fear and hatred do not seem to find expression in tears  (Tears Quotes) A woman wears her tears like jewelry  (Tears Quotes) Tears dry, smiles fade, but memories last forever  (Tears Quotes) How many tears must I shed to cleanse myself of you  (Tears Quotes) Being a martyr means loving someone even if it causes your tears  (Tears Quotes) God understands tears, when the pain is too much for words  (Tears Quotes) Tears of joy are the dew in which the sun of righteousness is mirrored  (Tears Quotes) Tears are there to remind us that we were happy before the pain  (Tears Quotes) Smiling through her tears  (Tears Quotes) Tears are words that need to be written  (Tears Quotes) A simple smile can hide a million tears  (Tears Quotes) Good thing tears don’t kill or I would have been history by now  (Tears Quotes) No one is worth your tears, and the one who is won’t make you cry  (Tears Quotes) Drama, lies, tears. Teenage years  (Tears Quotes) Tears show that you’re alive  (Tears Quotes) Swallow your tears hide your frown and never let life bring you down  (Tears Quotes) Tears are the showers that fertilize this world  (Tears Quotes) Tears may get you sympathy. Sweat will get you results  (Tears Quotes) We all shed salty tears and shed red blood. All is one  (Tears Quotes) White, black and yellow men - they all cry salt tears  (Tears Quotes)
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