Tears Quotes

Text Quotes
Here. It will blind you with tears like a lover. It will make your reflection a wobbling photo of grief (Tears Quotes)
Suddenly he was weeping. The tears were for the good things that had been or might have been, for the bad things that had been but should not have been (Tears Quotes)
Four soiled bedsheets sewn together to make a screen. One for spittle. One for urine. One for semen. One for blood. All for tears (Tears Quotes)
We say to you today in a loud and a clear voice: enough of blood and tears. Enough (Tears Quotes)
And you, my father, there on the sad height, curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light (Tears Quotes)
You line up at the door with your hands out. I give you the lint from my pockets. I give you my sweat and my blood. I ain’t got no tears. I done spent them (Tears Quotes)
Funeral, n. A pageant whereby we attest our respect for the dead by enriching the undertaker, and strengthen our grief by an expenditure that deepens our groans and doubles our tears (Tears Quotes)
Be glad today, tomorrow may bring tears. Be brave today, the darkest night will pass. And golden rays will usher in the dawn. Who conquers now shall rule the coming years (Tears Quotes)
The flowers take the tears of the weeping night and give them to the sun for the day’s delight (Tears Quotes)
It is only the women whose eyes have been washed clear with tears who get the broad vision that makes them little sisters to all the world (Tears Quotes)
I boil my tears in a twisted spoon and dance like an angel on the point of a needle (Tears Quotes)
Her tears fell with the dews at even; her tears fell ere the dews were dried (Tears Quotes)
Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, tears from the depth of some divine despair (Tears Quotes)
Happiness is the fine and gentle rain which penetrates the soul, but which afterwards gushes forth in springs of tears (Tears Quotes)
Innocence is a flower which withers when touched, but blooms not again, though watered with tears (Tears Quotes)
No penance can absolve out guilty fame; nor tears, that wash out sin, can wash out shame (Tears Quotes)
Upon her face there was the tint of grief, the settled shadow of an inward strife; and an unquiet drooping of the eye, as if its lid were charged with unshed tears (Tears Quotes)
The tears of the you who go their way, last a day; but the grief is long of the old who stay (Tears Quotes)
The habit of prayer communicates a penetrating sweetness to the glance, the voice, the smile, the tears, to all one says, or does, or writes (Tears Quotes)
Set is the sun of my years; and over a few poor ashes, I sit in my darkness and tears (Tears Quotes)
The mother endures with greater courage the loss of one out many children, than she who, in her tears, exclaims, thou wast my only one! (Tears Quotes)
There are in woman’s eyes two sorts of tears, the one of grief, the other of deceit (Tears Quotes)
Oh! Let not tears embalm my tomb, none but the dews by twilight given! Oh! Let not sighs disturb the gloom. None but the whispering winds of heaven (Tears Quotes)
Accept these grateful tears! For thee thy flow, for thee, that ever felt another’s woe! (Tears Quotes)
Down she bent her head upon an arm so white that tears seemed but the natural melting of its snow, touched by the flushed cheek’s crimson (Tears Quotes)
More tears have been shed over men’s lack of manners than their lack of morals (Tears Quotes)
The soul, the mother of deep fears, of high hopes infinite, of glorious dreams, mysterious tears, of sleepless inner sight; lovely, but solemn, it arose, unfolding what no more might close (Tears Quotes)
I would hardly change the sorrowful words of the poets for their glad ones. Tears dampen the strings of the lyre, but they grow the tensor for it, and ring even the clearer and more ravishingly (Tears Quotes)
Our youth began with tears and sighs, with seeking what we could not find; we sought and knew not what we sought; we marvel, now we look behind: Life’s more amusing than we thought (Tears Quotes)
I fear no foe with thee at hand to bless; ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness (Tears Quotes)