Technical Quotes

Text Quotes
I went to high school in Columbia. I met my first wife, Richards, whom I married while I was working on a B.S. in chemistry at Georgia Tech. She bore Louise, and I studied. I learned most of the useful technical things - math, physics, chemistry - that I now use during those four years. (Technical Quotes)
For a performer, passion is far more important than technical skills. If a dancer’s leg isn’t at a perfect angle, I can see past that, but if someone’s dead in the face, it’s really boring. (Technical Quotes)
That economics and finance are often covered as technical subjects, sort of boring subjects, and either you already know a lot about it and you follow it, or you don’t know much about it and you don’t want to know. (Technical Quotes)
Infrastructure alone won’t end poverty. The World Bank had to learn this lesson, too. While we believed too much in bricks and mortar in our early days, we now understand that bringing together funding, technical expertise, and tested knowledge goes much further. (Technical Quotes)
To me this technical acceptation seems not applicable here, where we have to deal with the simplest moral precepts, and not with psychological niceties of Buddhist philosophy. (Technical Quotes)
I think a lot of developments start with the desire of the developer to get what he really wants so that he can use it. It’s not just the technical fascination or the business opportunity. (Technical Quotes)
Look at lots of exhibitions and books, and don’t get hung up on cameras and technical things. Photography is about images. (Technical Quotes)
Kissing scenes are never romantic or sexy, they’re actually super technical, like, Move your head, you’re blocking her light, or, Stop looking like an idiot when you kiss her. You do it again and again because of the camera angles and takes and whatnot. So by the end of it, it’s not even kissing. All the anything is totally drained out of it. (Technical Quotes)
As with instant replay, NFL Films’ use of slow motion, camera angles and the narration of Facenda was not just a technical breakthrough but a conceptual breakthrough. (Technical Quotes)
Dad always explained the car engine when he repaired it, and he had many technical books, so I was making electromagnets by age eight as well as reading my mother’s medical and nursing books. I suspect I was born with a boundless curiosity, and this was encouraged through my childhood. (Technical Quotes)
The growth of medical expenditures in the U.S. is not caused by administrative costs but by increases in the technical intensity of care over time - a.k.a. medical progress. (Technical Quotes)
Kids get caught up in technical and electronic things like games and videos when all we had were magazines. (Technical Quotes)
I’m looking to evolve the concept of the new renaissance artist, taking the world by storm through the art of public display and demonstration, with technical savvy, using cell phones and computers. (Technical Quotes)
The mass culture of childhood right now is astonishingly technical. Little kids know their Unix path punctuation so they can get around the Web, and they know their HTML and stuff. It’s pretty shocking to me. (Technical Quotes)
Love. It isn’t very popular in technical circles to say a lot of mushy stuff about love, but frankly it’s a very very important part of what holds our project together. (Technical Quotes)
If income was directly proportional to technical proficiency and education, classical and jazz musicians would be some of the most affluent people in the world. (Technical Quotes)
In Nueva Esperanza, Honduras, community members pooled their resources and organized a local water committee that with CARE’s technical guidance built a gravity-fed water system that now provides clean water directly to people’s homes. (Technical Quotes)
I love to read about the exploits of technical mountain climbers, but I’ve never done any vertical climbing. (Technical Quotes)
I write poetry. It comes naturally to me, but from a technical point of view it forces me to pay close attention to language and to scan. (Technical Quotes)
And so I’ve always been fascinated by the technical end of theater, and a lot of my closest friends are not actors, but in the other end of the business. (Technical Quotes)
I worked as a lawyer; as a member of the teaching staff of a technical college; and then I worked principally as legal adviser to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party. (Technical Quotes)
Anyone can be a moral individual, concerned with human rights and problems; but only a college professor, a trained expert, can solve technical problems by ‘sophisticated’ methods. Ergo, it is only problems of the latter sort that are important or real. (Technical Quotes)
We changed the names of our technical schools to colleges, we expanded the eligibility for HOPE scholarships for technical training, and we added some formula funding. (Technical Quotes)
A good ice hockey player is someone who has good communication skills, is willing to listen and willing to try new things. It’s a very technical game and not that easy to pick up. It’s a lot of fun but you just have to be patient. (Technical Quotes)
I’ve been really impressed at some of the investments that I’ve seen in community college and technical schools that are training young people for these jobs in 3D printing and the like. (Technical Quotes)
The basic technical protocols that have enabled the Internet to work in such a globally interconnected way are developed and shared openly by a community of engineers. (Technical Quotes)
Russia has to have a technology company of global meaning sooner or later. We should take the depth of technical culture we have here and make it available worldwide. (Technical Quotes)
Computer programming has been traditionally seen as something that is beyond most people - it’s only for a special group with technical expertise and experience. We have developed ‘Scratch’ as a new type of programming language, which is much more accessible. (Technical Quotes)
It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts, people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was - and is - respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills. (Technical Quotes)
I was around computers from birth; we had one of the first Macs, which came out shortly before I was born, and my dad ran a company that wrote computer operating systems. I don’t think I have any particular technical skills; I just got a really large head start. (Technical Quotes)