Ted Cruz Quotes

Text Quotes
Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats have become an extreme party. They have become a party that has abdicated their responsibilities. Under Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats, we have a do-nothing Senate (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We will stop the terrorist attacks before they occur because we will not be prisoners to political correctness. Rather, we will speak the truth. Border security is national security and we will not be admitting jihadists as refugees (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Here at home, we need to do two fundamental things. Number one, we need to recognize that technology has moved on. The Patriot Act was signed in 2001, roughly. The iPhone was invented in 2007. The iPad was invented in 2011. Snapchat and Twitter, all the rest of it, have been around just for several years. Technology has moved on, and the terrorists have moved on with it (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We need the private sector’s help, because government is not innovating. Technology is running ahead by leaps and bound. The private sector will help, just as I helped after 9/11. But they must be engaged, and they must be asked. I will ask them. I know them (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Using overwhelming air power to utterly and completely destroy ISIS. To put things in perspective, in the first Persian Gulf War, we launched roughly 1,100 air attacks a day. We carpet bombed them for 36 days, saturation bombing, after which our troops went in and in a day and a half mopped up what was left of the Iraqi army (Ted Cruz Quotes)
You would carpet bomb where ISIS is, not a city, but the location of the troops. You use air power directed - and you have embedded special forces to direction the air power. But the object isn’t to level a city. The object is to kill the ISIS terrorists (Ted Cruz Quotes)
It is true that I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act, because when I campaigned in Texas I told voters in Texas that I would oppose the federal government having the authority to detain U.S. citizens permanently with no due process. I have repeatedly supported an effort to take that out of that bill, and I honored that campaign commitment (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We need to do whatever is necessary to utterly defeat ISIS....We’re not using our overwhelming air power. We’re not arming the Kurds. Those need to be the first steps. And then we need to put whatever ground power is needed to carry it out (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The people who suffer in the Obama economy have been young people, African Americans, Hispanics, single moms. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
There is a liberal fascism that is dedicated to going after believing Christians who follow the biblical teaching on marriage. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The front line with ISIS isn’t just in Iraq and Syria, it’s in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande. Border security is national security. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We need to protect the privacy rights of all Americans, and that means stopping the federal government from spying on the cellphones and emails of law-abiding citizens. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The hard-core Left loves ridiculing Christians who believe scripture that says, ‘God created the heaven and the earth.’ They say that it’s anti-science to believe that an almighty God would do such a thing. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
I think it’s very important to have a public discussion about why we’re denying our soldiers the ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
I’m a fighter. I am passionate about what I believe. I’ve been passionate my whole life about the [American] Constitution. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We need to remain a nation that doesn’t just welcome but that celebrates legal immigrants who come here seeking to pursue the American Dream. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Ronald Reagan reignited the American economy, rebuilt the Military, bankrupted the Soviet Union and defeated Soviet Communism. I will do the same thing. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The American president has a peculiar leadership responsibility to speak out for freedom (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Those who hate Israel hate America. Those who hate Jews hate Christians. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds (Ted Cruz Quotes)
We shouldn’t let anti-science zealotry shut down the ability to produce low-cost, quality food for billions across the globe. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
When you’re the son of an immigrant who came here seeking freedom, it makes you appreciate (Ted Cruz Quotes)
A debate actually is a policy issue but I will say this - gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question, I may have to leave the stage. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Millions of people are asking for accountability, for responsibility, for truth from their elected officials, truth about how Obamacare is failing the men and women of America. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
One of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight Bill was that it gave President [Barack] Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees without mandating any background checks whatsoever. Now we’ve seen what happened in San Bernardino. When you are letting people in, when the FBI can’t vet them, it puts American citizens at risk. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
You know what the [Barack] Obama administration keeps getting wrong is whenever anything bad happens they focus on law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on the bad guys. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
The federal government has not been effective enough monitoring and surveilling bad guys (Ted Cruz Quotes)
You can’t get to a balanced budget and begin to pay down debt and thus create jobs in this country if you don’t have specific plans to make it work. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Young people want someone to tell them the truth. They want to be inspired. (Ted Cruz Quotes)
Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton supporting John Kerry. He agreed with Hillary Clinton on being - quote - neutral between Israel and the Palestinians. (Ted Cruz Quotes)