Teeth Quotes

Text Quotes
There are a few animals that have won themselves a bad reputation even though they have little or no effect on man. They have won their rating through man’s interpretation of their attitude towards lower animals. These animals have been seen feeding in what appears to be a savage manner. But this behavior may perhaps be comparable to a man tearing the flesh off a chicken leg with his teeth (Teeth Quotes)
One thing I can say about our band is this. If you got something good to lay on us, enlighten us, but if you got something bad to lay on us, you can get your teeth knocked clean down your throat man. Dangerous people. Lovely people (Teeth Quotes)
Sentimentality and nostalgia are closely related. Kissing cousins. I have no time for nostalgia, though. Nostalgics believe the past is nicer than the present. It isn’t. Or wasn’t. Nostalgics want to cuddle the past like a puppy. But the past has bloody teeth and bad breath. I look into its mouth like a sorrowing dentist (Teeth Quotes)
People who have cut their teeth on philosophical problems of rationality, knowledge, perception, free will and other minds are well placed to think better about problems of evidence, decision making, responsibility and ethics that life throws up (Teeth Quotes)
One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster (Teeth Quotes)
I get more results for my money than in any other philanthropic scheme. It is a medical fact that children can have a better chance in life with better looks, better health and more vigor if the teeth, nose, throat and mouth are taken proper care of at the crucial time of childhood (Teeth Quotes)
I lost my balance, making my body unstable and falling on top of my opponent. At that moment I hit my face against the player leaving a small bruise on my cheek and a strong pain in my teeth (Teeth Quotes)
Ritual which could entail a wedding or brushing one’s teeth goes in the direction of life. Through it we reconcile our barbed solitude with rushing, irreducible conditions of life (Teeth Quotes)
Patience is a mind that is able to accept fully and happily, whatever occurs. It is much more than just gritting our teeth and putting up with things. Being patient means to welcome wholeheartedly whatever arises, having given up the idea that things should be other than what they are (Teeth Quotes)
We would never have scales, feathers, or breasts if we didn’t have teeth in the first place (Teeth Quotes)
I think people are like that. When you really look at them, you stop seeing a perfect nose or straight teeth. You stop seeing the acne scar or dimple in the chin. Those things start to blur, and suddenly you see them, the colors, the life inside the shell, and beauty takes on a whole new meaning (Teeth Quotes)
You wouldn’t know it by looking, but I had no teeth in first grade (Teeth Quotes)
Vampire teeth really aren’t very efficient, are they? It looks very messy. I’m not sure it’s the best way to get a pint off anyone (Teeth Quotes)
Ahmadinijad was stupid enbough to be a wolf in wolf’s clothing, to expose his teeth and nails and alert the west. I can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I have all the diplomatic and rhetoric skills to do so (Teeth Quotes)
I’m no shrinking violet. I played hockey until half my teeth were knocked down my throat. And I’m extremely competitive on a tennis court... But that experience at the slaughterhouse overwhelmed me. When I walked out of there, I knew I would never again harm an animal! I knew all the physiological, economic, and ecological arguments supporting vegetarianism, but it was firsthand experience of man’s cruelty to animals that laid the real groundwork for my commitment to vegetarianism (Teeth Quotes)
She was white, perhaps too white. Her eyes, which were almost always cast down, when she raised them testified to the purest of souls, and when she smiled, revealing her small, white teeth, one might be tempted to say that a rose is merely a plant, and ivory just an elephant’s tusk (Teeth Quotes)
... he had a fascinating technique of gnawing his cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other, as if his teeth were equipped with trolley tracks, and suddenly grabbing it out and gesticulating wit it before he jammed it back (Teeth Quotes)
Economists have allowed themselves to walk into a trap where we say we can forecast, but no serious economist thinks we can. You don’t expect dentists to be able to forecast how many teeth you’ll have when you’re 80. You expect them to give good advice and fix problems (Teeth Quotes)
With great difficulty advancing by millimeters each year, I carve a road out of the rock. For millenniums my teeth have wasted and my nails broken to get there, to the other side, to the light and the open air. And now that my hands bleed and my teeth tremble, unsure in a cavity cracked by thirst and dust, I pause and contemplate my work. I have spent the second part of my life breaking the stones, drilling the walls, smashing the doors, removing the obstacles I placed between the light and myself in the first part of my life (Teeth Quotes)
In outstanding classrooms, teachers do more listening than talking, and students do more talking than listening. Terrific teachers often have teeth marks on their tongues (Teeth Quotes)
I have a couple of gold teeth. I had braces for a year but I didn’t wear the retainer (Teeth Quotes)
Teeth represent only 10 percent of the surface of your mouth and bacteria live throughout the whole mouth. When you stop brushing, bacteria left behind resettle on your teeth and gums. Oil pulling reaches virtually 100 percent of the mouth, thereby affecting all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa in the mouth (Teeth Quotes)
Where is the man, who, if asked to become a slave, would not hurl back the offer indignantly in the teeth of the oppressor? (Teeth Quotes)
I’ve been kicked in the teeth more times in tennis than the law ought to allow (Teeth Quotes)
One didn’t issue instructions to comets. Grown children did what they had to do, and parents could only grit their teeth and watch and pray for them to get through it (Teeth Quotes)
Eighty years old! No eyes left, no ears, no teeth, no legs, no wind! And when all is said and done, how astonishingly well one does without them (Teeth Quotes)
While I put forth the suntan and the teeth and the cavalier attitude, I’ve survived under the worst of eras and times, and I’ve always had a good time doing it, because I never really took myself seriously, nor did I take life seriously because it is already terribly serious (Teeth Quotes)
Since I was 8 months old, till I was 12, I did commercials and ads and cute little stuff for kids. Then I had braces on my teeth. They took them off when I was 16, and then I started modeling more seriously and doing more fashion (Teeth Quotes)
Hollywood is a community that’s so inbred, it’s a wonder the children have any teeth (Teeth Quotes)
I love the theater, but if I had to choose, I would choose a film at this time in my life. Something meaty, to sink my teeth into (Teeth Quotes)