Teeth Quotes

Text Quotes
My teeth weren’t that good to begin with, so hopefully I can get some better ones (Teeth Quotes)
I just made up my mind that I was going to lose my teeth and have my face cut to pieces (Teeth Quotes)
Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don’t think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made (Teeth Quotes)
When I go to one of those singles dating parties I believe myself to be a bowl of fruit. When I talk to potential dates, I judge them by the smile in their lips, their smoothness of speech, and the whiteness of teeth; then I offer them the appropriate fruit, which is usually a lemon (Teeth Quotes)
To leave this life, to me, is a sweet prospect. When you read this I will be quite dead and no answer will be possible. All I can say is that I offered you love, and the best I could. All I got in return in the end was a kick in the teeth. Thus I die alone and unloved. As you sowed, so shall you reap (Teeth Quotes)
Reading student papers, blue books, etc., a form of torture... a matter of rubbing an iron file over one’s teeth, or holding urine in one’s mouth, or having the racket of a bulldozer in one’s ear for an hour or two on end (Teeth Quotes)
Literature doesn’t matter! The only thing that matters is money and getting your teeth fixed! (Teeth Quotes)
No one put a gun to your head and ordered you to become a writer. One writes out of his own choice and must be prepared to take the rough spots along the road with a certain equanimity, though allowed some grinding of the teeth (Teeth Quotes)
It sloweth age, it strengtheneth youth, it helpeth digestion, it abandoneth melancholie, it relisheth the heart, it lighteneth the mind, it quickenth the spirits, it keepeth and preserveth the head from whirling, the eyes from dazzling, the tongue from lisping, the mouth from snaffling, the teeth from chattering and the throat from rattling; it keepeth the stomach from wambling, the heart from swelling, the hands from shivering, the sinews from shrinking, the veins from crumbling, the bones from aching, and the marrow from soaking (Teeth Quotes)
There are tiny choices that everyone can make that profoundly affect our collective water use. Like not having the tap on while brushing your teeth, not starting your shower ten minutes in advance, not doing laundry until you have a full load. In this particular issue, education really is power (Teeth Quotes)
I actually had to get two fillings. Yeah, I swear. My teeth had been bugging me because I had been eating so much junk food on the road. I was the worst on teh team because I always had a bag of candy with me. I never had any cavities before, but yesterday, I took two for the team (Teeth Quotes)
It’s difficult for the public to realize how powerful the mind is, and how much pain the mind can give you. When you’re depressed, it’s as though this committee has taken over your mind, leaving you one depressing thought after the other. You don’t shave, you don’t shower, you don’t brush your teeth. You don’t care. The one thing I did do, I still ate a little bit. But I didn’t have much of an appetite. I know a lot of people who say they didn’t eat at all (Teeth Quotes)
Let’s say you’re in a situation where crystal meth can help you. Like, I don’t know, you have too many teeth (Teeth Quotes)
Once you use a toothbrush to clean a pencil sharpener, you should no longer use it to clean your teeth (Teeth Quotes)
Intellectual controversies tend to be like dog fights without the teeth, in which the barking not the biting does the damage (Teeth Quotes)
Businesspeople are like sharks, not just because we’re gray and slightly oily, or because our teeth trail the innards of those we have eviscerated, but because we must move forward or die (Teeth Quotes)
To slaughter grand and beautiful creatures like these tuskers, whether terrestrial or marine, solely to obtain a few teeth indicates that we have not evolved very much since the days our forebears lived in caves and saught to prove their superiority by adorning themselves with teeth and claws (Teeth Quotes)
What I am saying, I suppose, is that you write as if everyone is dead. Then you face the music. I don’t know any other way to keep the teeth sharp and the spirit alive (Teeth Quotes)
When I get up in the morning I brush my teeth and go about my business, and if I am going anywhere interesting I take my camera along (Teeth Quotes)
You came into the world armed to the teeth. With an arsenal of weapons, weapons of privilege, economic privilege, sexual privilege, racial privilege. You want to be a pacifist, you’re not just going to have to give up guns, knives, clubs, hard, angry words, you are going to have lay down the weapons of privilege and go into the world completely disarmed (Teeth Quotes)
I look to everyday magic in art to remember how to live: how to estrange and vivify ordinary objects and beings. So little, really, is ordinary, but to remember this I need the brain chemical of painting and film and reading I had a thrummy doomed oracular feeling when I wrote blackened baby teeth into my little blind boy story: I saw teeth and in an instant they were becoming something else. They were buckshot. They were food. They were tiny flightless corvids (Teeth Quotes)
A wise person speaks carefully and with truth, for every word tht passes between one’s teeth is meant for something (Teeth Quotes)
Nothing so mystical. Human beings hunger for killing, that is all. It only takes a few politicians to stoke division, or a few demagogues encouraging hatred to set your kind upon one another. And then before you know it, you have a whole nation biting on its own tail, going round and round until there is nothing left but the snapping of teeth (Teeth Quotes)
It’s objective evaluations that give our hardwiring principles teeth and drive the organization toward results that last (Teeth Quotes)
I somehow make it through the first month. I dress and brush my teeth when they tell me to. And I experience the hollow feeling of complete loss, which is emptiness (Teeth Quotes)
If you caught your kid raising cats in tiny boxes, forcing them to live in their own feces without clean air or sunlight, pulling their teeth and claws out with pliers to keep them from hurting each other…you’d rush him to a psychiatrist. But you support that very behavior every time you buy meat, eggs, dairy or fur (Teeth Quotes)
Riding trails with your dog restores a bond lost in some evolutionary belch. You travel at the same speed, over the same terrain, neither of you slowing to compensate for the other. You’re equal playmates with mud in your teeth (Teeth Quotes)
Among the myrtles the mantids moved, lightly, carefully, swaying slightly, the quintessence of evil. They were lank and green, with chinless faces and monstrous globular eyes, frosty gold, with an expression of intense, predatory madness in them. The crooked arms, with their fringes of sharp teeth, would be raised in mock supplication to the insect world, so humble, so fervent, trembling slightly when a butterfly flew too close (Teeth Quotes)
Our fathers and ourselves sowed dragon’s teeth. Our children know and suffer the armed men (Teeth Quotes)
There are three proven rules for good teeth: brush after every meal; see your dentist twice a year; and mind your own business (Teeth Quotes)