Telling Quotes

Text Quotes
Adults are constantly telling teenagers that it’s what’s on the inside that matters. It’s always painful to find out that adults have lied to you (Telling Quotes)
... show the other side, the one that gets people out of bed the next morning, makes them scratch and scrape and fight for their lives because someone is telling them that they’re going to be okay (Telling Quotes)
And telling you I care about you is a waste of time. I wouldn’t have crossed the ocean, come out of hiding, tracked you down, if you didn’t matter to me (Telling Quotes)
Everybody is a story. When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories. We don’t do that so much anymore. Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along. The stuff that helps us to live a life worth remembering (Telling Quotes)
Life can change in the blink of an eye. All you have is right now. So don’t ever put off telling someone how you feel about them, don’t assume that they know, because they might not and it might be too late (Telling Quotes)
Listen to the trees as they sway in the wind. Their leaves are telling secrets. Their bark sings songs of olden days as it grows around the trunks. And their roots give names to all things. Their language has been lost. But not the gestures (Telling Quotes)
I’m telling you this for one reason and one reason only: No matter how sure you are of someone’s love, it’s always nice to hear it (Telling Quotes)
Writers are first and foremost observers. We lose ourselves in the watching and then the telling of the world we find. Often we feel on the fringes, in the margins of life. And that’s where we belong. What you are a part of, you cannot observe (Telling Quotes)
So I found myself telling my own stories. It was strange: as I did it I realised how much we get shaped by our stories. It’s like the stories of our lives make us the people we are. If someone had no stories, they wouldn’t be human, wouldn’t exist. And if my stories had been different I wouldn’t be the person I am (Telling Quotes)
I’m telling you, trouble is like the ocean. It covers two thirds of the world (Telling Quotes)
This is our story to tell. You’d think for all the reading I do, I would have thought about this before, but I haven’t. I’ve never once thought about the interpretative, the story telling aspect of life, of my life. I always felt like I was in a story, yes, but not like I was the author of it, or like I had any say in its telling whatsoever (Telling Quotes)
Sometimes it seems to stand still. Like you’re in a bag and you can’t get out and somebody’s always telling you that it will get better with time and time just seems to stand still and laugh at you and your pain (Telling Quotes)
Before you know it you’ll be my age telling your own granddaughter the story of your life and you wanna make it an interesting one, don’t you? You wanna be able to tell her some adventures, some excitements, some something. How you live your life, little one, is a gift for those who come after you, a kind of inheritance (Telling Quotes)
So truth created the ultimate lie. Was this what the world was like for wizards? This thorny, gray tangle where right and wrong were so mixed there was no telling them apart? (Telling Quotes)
I keep telling you the future isn’t set in stone. It’s not all decided yet. The future is just what’s down the road we decided to walk on today. You can change roads anytime. And that changes where you end up (Telling Quotes)
It’s scary telling someone you care about, someone you love who you really are (Telling Quotes)
A friend of mine told a story about a date with a guy she was really excited about: He stood her up. He then called her, begging her forgiveness and giving some excuse. She told him to get lost, telling him that he only gets one shot with her, and he blew it (Telling Quotes)
Whatever truth we feel compelled to withhold, no matter how unthinkable it is to imagine ourselves telling it, not to is a way of spiritually holding our breath. You can only do it for so long (Telling Quotes)
Your very eyes. How they have always been for me the command to obey, the inviolable and beautiful commandment. No, no, I’m not telling lies. Your appearance in the doorway!... You have been my body’s health. Whenever I have read a book, it was you I was reading, not the book, you were the book. You were, you were (Telling Quotes)
Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth (Telling Quotes)
She wanted to have him hold her and tell her all the demons were pretend, that there was no monster in her closet, that everything would be okay. But that was a lie. The demon was in her head, telling her she was too fat. She had to get the demon out. But she couldn’t do it by herself (Telling Quotes)
You don’t like it that I am the one you need to keep the wolf from the door; that comes as no surprise. But I am the one you have. At some point we’ll both have to risk telling the truth (Telling Quotes)
Pain held no terror for him. Pain was, if not friend, then family, something he had grown up with in his crèche, learning to respect but never yield to. Pain was simply a message, telling him which limbs he could still use to slaughter his enemies, how far he could still run, and what his chances were in the next battle (Telling Quotes)
I’m telling you that you got your facts wrong. I didn’t kill your brother. But you killed my mother. You might as well have held the gun to her head! (Telling Quotes)
Point is, people lie a lot. Sometimes out of habit. Not many people are good at telling the truth (Telling Quotes)
There are some tales not for telling, whether because they are too long, too precious, too laughable, too painful, too easy to need telling or too hard to explain. After all, after years and travels my secrets are all I have left to chew on in the night (Telling Quotes)
Menders of all times and places have taught that silencing the thoughts in our heads and opening to the experience of the body and emotions is the basis of all healing. It’s the only means by which we can reclaim our true nature or feel the subtle cues telling us how to find our way through life (Telling Quotes)
Now, I know from experience that the trouble with one lie is that it usually takes more lies to cover it up. And if you don’t watch out, you wind up telling lies to cover up the lies that are covering up the original lie (Telling Quotes)
So there’s an... an etiquette to raking. Some seducer’s code of honor. Is this what you’re telling me? (Telling Quotes)
Making women the sexual gatekeepers and telling men they just can’t help themselves not only drives home the point that women’s sexuality is unnatural, but also sets up a disturbing dynamic in which women are expected to be responsible for men’s sexual behavior (Telling Quotes)