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He’s a wonderful talker, who has the art of telling you nothing in a great harangue  (Telling Quotes) A woman only obliges a man to secrecy, that she may have the pleasure of telling herself  (Telling Quotes) I am a little concerned that some of the measures that are proposed may simply increase the number of consultants who are telling businesses what they already know  (Telling Quotes) And in requital ope his leathern scrip, and show me simples of a thousand names, telling their strange and vigorous faculties  (Telling Quotes) Life is constantly weighing us in very sensitive scales, and telling every one of us precisely what his real weight is to the last grain of dust  (Telling Quotes) Where’er a spire points up to heaven, through storm and summer air, telling that all around have striven, man’s heart, and hope, and prayer  (Telling Quotes) This I quarreled at, that he went far from his text to come close to me, and so was faulty himself in telling me of my faults  (Telling Quotes) If you have a thrust to make at your friend’s expense, do it gracefully, it is all the more effective. Some one says the reproach that is delivered with hat in hand is the most telling  (Telling Quotes) Do you think that not getting caught in a lie is the same as telling the truth?  (Telling Quotes) You people are telling me what you think I want to know. I want to know what is actually happening  (Telling Quotes) If I owned a network, I would never let a guy just put people on without telling me who they are  (Telling Quotes) Trying to describe what I do in prayer would be like telling the world how I make love to my wife  (Telling Quotes) There is no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland  (Telling Quotes) Women have a hard enough time in this world: telling them the truth would be too cruel  (Telling Quotes) It simply isn’t an adventure worth telling if there aren’t any dragons  (Telling Quotes) What I’m telling you is there’s too many junk lawsuits suing too many doctors  (Telling Quotes) Science is telling us that we can do phenomenal things if we put our minds and our resources to it  (Telling Quotes) Definitely they write themselves. It’s an amazing experience. It’s like the characters have come alive and are sitting on my shoulder talking to me, telling me their tales  (Telling Quotes) I don’t need somebody behind a desk to tell me what a marketing survey says is funny. I got 3 million miles and 70,000 tickets sold, telling me that I know how to make people laugh  (Telling Quotes) I sometimes get that wonderful sympathy between me and the audience, telling me I’ve reached their hearts. And when I do, the thrill is mine  (Telling Quotes) There’s no such thing as second class citizenship. That’s like telling me you can be a little bit pregnant  (Telling Quotes) I think repeating yourself is a sign of old age, telling the same joke again and again. Especially if they’re jokes that don’t make people laug  (Telling Quotes) At 3 years old, I was telling people that I was going to be a star. I never had a plan B. And I’ve never compromised my integrity to get what I have  (Telling Quotes) I believe in horoscopes. I was born under the sign of the Ram, which means I’m headstrong, don’t like people telling me what to do  (Telling Quotes) The simple act of telling a woman’s story from a woman’s point of view is a revolutionary act: it never has been done before  (Telling Quotes) I love the stuff that makes you laugh and cry. It kind of sucker-punches you a little bit. That’s the thing that most interests me as a performer, in addition to telling the most captivating story  (Telling Quotes) The same basic tools we’ve used for thousands of years to connect with people, to draw them in and to hold their attention will always work, even if we’re telling our stories 140 characters at a time  (Telling Quotes) If you want somebody to tell you a story, one of the most easiest and effective ways is if you’re telling them a story  (Telling Quotes) I think people are distrustful of politicians and are looking for someone who is telling the truth with no hidden agenda  (Telling Quotes) You have to live through things. You can’t have other people telling you to do that and do this. It’s important to live through things  (Telling Quotes)
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