Telling Quotes

Text Quotes
I live with myself. I wake up with myself, I eat, and I take a dump with myself. I don’t see anything special there. I do all the same things other human beings and creatures do. I don’t see any need to be telling the data of the day of this particular human being by posting it on online. It’s not interesting to me. (Telling Quotes)
The only problems I’ve ever had with being honest is telling people how I feel about them or saying how I feel about other people. (Telling Quotes)
It is rarely comfortable to talk about climate change. Bringing something difficult up, it feels like somehow by mentioning this I’m kind of causing it, I’m hurting these people. But you’re not hurting these people; climate change is hurting these people. You’re telling them they’re being hurt. (Telling Quotes)
Here I am sitting in the back of a cab with Catherine Zeta-Jones who is telling me Michael Douglas has fond memories of me - it just makes me feel good as a human being. (Telling Quotes)
It’s quite ironic I suppose, it’s that thing about being in a group when you all start out as friends and then invariably end up hating each other. So I just thought they needed telling really, in case they were labouring under the apprehension that they were still friends. (Telling Quotes)
The flanger setting ... makes it sound as if the chord is being chewed over thoughtfully by a large genie accustomed to telling long, implausible stories (Telling Quotes)
For people who say they hate being lied to, just start telling them nothing but the pure truth--about everything. That will teach them (Telling Quotes)
When both parties are lying and they both know the other party’s lying, it comes powerful close to being the same thing as telling the truth. (Telling Quotes)
Love is people telling you when you do something wrong and being there to celebrate when you do something right! (Telling Quotes)
I moved to L.A. right after I finished high school, for three years, because everybody was telling me it was important to get down there, and then I kind of just decided for myself that I didn’t need to be there to be doing this. I wanted out of some of the chaos that comes with living here and being an actor. (Telling Quotes)
Crime stories are our version of sitting round a camp fire and telling tales. We enjoy being scared under safe circumstances. That’s why there’s no tradition of crime writing in countries that have wars. (Telling Quotes)
The story of undocumented immigrants in this country is not just about undocumented immigrants. It’s about the country as a whole, and it’s about us being able to tell the truth about where we are with this issue because we haven’t been telling the truth about where we are with this issue. (Telling Quotes)
I remember my uncle and my father telling me that my mother didn’t want me because I was blind. She thought being blind was a disgrace and a punishment from God. (Telling Quotes)
Well, everything with being vegan and vegetarian is a really big commitment. You have to do what you feel is best and what you believe in and what your body is telling you that it needs. I really think everyone should do what’s best for them, and what’s best for me may not be best for someone else. (Telling Quotes)
I believe veganism can be beneficial for the individual and the world, and of course the animal, but belief is like laying in the dark with someone and telling them you love them and hearing nothing back. So I’ve never had the confidence to get on a soapbox and tell someone else what to do. (Telling Quotes)
And I don’t think that government has a role in telling people how to live their lives. Maybe a minister does, maybe your belief in God does, maybe there’s another set of moral codes, but I don’t think government has a role. (Telling Quotes)
I don’t ever remember them telling us or teaching us that the only way we could be more successful is if other people were less successful. They never inculcated the belief that somehow, in order for us to climb the ladder, other people have to come down from the ladder. (Telling Quotes)
Private dreams are the most powerful. You have to dream of success to make it happen, and if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. But that doesn’t mean you have to go around telling everyone about it. (Telling Quotes)
If you believe in yourself, it doesn’t matter what others might be telling you is impossible. It’s all up to you! (Telling Quotes)
Courage isn’t inside; it’s external. It comes from someone else telling you they believe in you. (Telling Quotes)
For too long, Democrats have been telling people what they want to hear. I’m going to tell you what I believe. (Telling Quotes)
By telling you anything at all I’m at least believing in you, I believe you’re there, I believe you into being. (Telling Quotes)
Confidence is believing in yourself. Arrogance is telling others you’re better than they are. Confidence inspires. Arrogance destroys. (Telling Quotes)
Telling yourself you like the way you look is easy. Believing it is an entirely different kettle of whales. (Telling Quotes)
Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly. (Telling Quotes)
Yeah, it’s an off day when I don’t get somebody telling me how edible I smell. - Bella Swan. (Telling Quotes)
I never felt at home in London, because people were constantly telling me I didn’t belong here, so after a while, you tend to believe that. (Telling Quotes)
Sometimes the person that is best for you is the person right under your nose. I wanted to have a girlfriend in high school, and I know I would have treated a girl well, but instead I was just friends with a lot of girls. They ended up telling me later on, ‘We’re so perfect together,’ but at the time, I wasn’t the cool-enough guy. (Telling Quotes)
Telling the entire world and his dog how good a manager I was. I knew I was the best but I should have said nowt and kept the pressure off ‘cos they’d have worked it out for themselves. (Telling Quotes)
We reserve the term ‘genius’ for people who are creative, who are innovators, who think in ways that are entirely new. In the Middle Ages, the term ‘genius’ was reserved for people with the best memories. That is telling. (Telling Quotes)