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Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth  (Telling Quotes) On average, physicians interrupt patients within eighteen seconds of when they begin telling their story  (Telling Quotes) Make your life a story worth telling  (Telling Quotes) I like to think that I am telling a story rather than writing it  (Telling Quotes) Telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies  (Telling Quotes) There is no sincerity like a woman telling a lie  (Telling Quotes) Telling stories never fails to produce good in the universe  (Telling Quotes) Stop listening to people telling us we need to hate each other  (Telling Quotes) God has a way of telling you when to change your strings  (Telling Quotes) Most of the pain we feel is nothing more than a story that needs telling  (Telling Quotes) The telling of your stories is a revolutionary act  (Telling Quotes) I’m telling you, monsters aren’t born, they’re made  (Telling Quotes) Nothing speaks louder than your heart. Listen to what it’s telling you  (Telling Quotes) Politics is the polite way of telling somone else they’re stupid  (Telling Quotes) Are you asking me or telling me?  (Telling Quotes) Every day is a new opportunity to make your life a story worth telling  (Telling Quotes) And the leaves were telling secrets to the wind  (Telling Quotes) I’m a writer. I just love telling stories  (Telling Quotes) It sounds trite, but I like telling stories  (Telling Quotes) How do I tell you what my heart’s been telling me?  (Telling Quotes) Each song, you’re telling a story and acting  (Telling Quotes) Where do you begin telling someone their world is not the only one?  (Telling Quotes) I love telling stories, and am almost entirely unable to keep a secret  (Telling Quotes) The secret of boring people lies in telling them everything  (Telling Quotes) Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis  (Telling Quotes) Every leader is telling a story... about what he or she values  (Telling Quotes) I have no intention of telling people what I have for breakfast  (Telling Quotes) I’m not fighting. I just telling you what’s right  (Telling Quotes) Once you start telling people you’re famous, they believe you  (Telling Quotes) There are many occasions in literature in which telling is far more effective than showing  (Telling Quotes)
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