Temple Grandin Quotes

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Some autistic children cannot stand the sound of certain voices. I have come across cases where teachers tell me that certain children have problems with their voice or another person’s voice. This problem tends to be related to high-pitched ladies’ voices (Temple Grandin Quotes)
When you take a drug to treat high blood pressure or diabetes, you have an objective test to measure blood pressure and the amount of sugar in the blood. It is straight-forward. With autism, you are looking for changes in behavior (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Mild autism can give you a genius like Einstein. If you have severe autism, you could remain nonverbal. You don’t want people to be on the severe end of the spectrum. But if you got rid of all the autism genetics, you wouldn’t have science or art. All you would have is a bunch of social ‘yak yaks.’ (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Language for me narrates the pictures in my mind. When I work on designing livestock equipment I can test run that equipment in my head like 3-D virtual reality. In fact, when I was in college I used to think that everybody was able to do that (Temple Grandin Quotes)
If language naturally evolves to serve the needs of tiny rodents with tiny rodent brains, then what’s unique about language isn’t the brilliant humans who invented it to communicate high-level abstract thoughts. What’s unique about language is that the creatures who develop it are highly vulnerable to being eaten (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Steve Jobs was probably mildly on the autistic spectrum. Basically, you’ve probably known people who were geeky and socially awkward but very smart. When does geeks and nerds become autism? That’s a gray area. Half the people in Silicon Valley probably have autism (Temple Grandin Quotes)
What parents and teachers and caregivers did with me that actually worked and a lot of that was the old fashion 50s upbringing. They just gave the instruction when I did something wrong - life was more structured. So basically it’s [my work] based on experiences with me that worked and it was teachers and parents that made me have those experiences (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Lets get into talking about how autism is similar animal behavior. The thing is I don’t think in a language, and animals don’t think in a language. Its sensory based thinking, thinking in pictures, thinking in smells, thinking in touches. Its putting these sensory based memories into categories (Temple Grandin Quotes)
By looking at autistic kids, you can’t tell when you’re working with them who you’re going to pull out, who is going to become verbal and who’s not. And there seem to be certain kids who, as they learn more and more, they get less autistic acting, and they learn social skills enough so that they can turn out socially normal (Temple Grandin Quotes)
People are getting too far away from the real-world. Politics is just ridiculous, it’s totally dysfunctional (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Autism’s a very big spectrum. At one end of the spectrum, Einstein would probably be labeled autistic, Steve Jobs, half of Silicon Valley, you know, Van Gogh. And at the other end of the spectrum, you got much more severe handicaps where they never learn to speak (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Us visual thinkers like me, be good at things like industrial design, graphics, art, those kind of jobs. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
From a scientific standpoint, Aspergers and autism are one syndrome. Aspergers is part of the autism spectrum, not a separate disorder. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I had people in my life who didn’t give up on me: my mother, my aunt, my science teacher. I had one-on-one speech therapy. I had a nanny who spent all day playing turn-taking games with me. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I’ve worked with tons of people that I know who are on the spectrum - but now I think severe autism has really increased. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
It’s very important for the parents of young autistic children to encourage them to talk, or for those that don’t talk, to give them a way of communicating, like a picture board, where they can point to a glass of milk, or a jacket if they’re cold, or the bathroom. If they want something, then they need to learn to request that thing. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Autistic children are very difficult to take care of, especially severely autistic ones. When I was 4, I had almost no language; when I was 3, I had none at all. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
It’s very important for the parents of young autistic children to encourage them to talk, or for those that don’t talk, to give them a way of communicating, like a picture board, where they can point to a glass of milk, or a jacket if they’re cold, or the bathroom. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Autism is a neurological disorder. It’s not caused by bad parenting. It’s caused by, you know, abnormal development in the brain. The emotional circuits in the brain are abnormal. And there also are differences in the white matter, which is the brain’s computer cables that hook up the different brain departments. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I’m a visual thinker, really bad at algebra. There’s others that are a pattern thinker. These are the music and math minds. They think in patterns instead of pictures. Then there’s another type that’s not a visual thinker at all, and they’re the ones that memorize all of the sports statistics, all of the weather statistics. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Normal people have an incredible lack of empathy. They have good emotional empathy, but they don’t have much empathy for the autistic kid who is screaming at the baseball game because he can’t stand the sensory overload. Or the autistic kid having a meltdown in the school cafeteria because there’s too much stimulation. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
The thing is, autism is a big spectrum. Going from folks who remain nonverbal, all the way up to, ya know, famous scientists and musicians. And we’ve got to work on strengths. We also have to work on teaching basic manners and skills. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
We breed dogs to be more social than the wolf. There is very interesting research that has been done with a wolf and a domestic dog. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I can remember being bullied and teased. It was absolutely horrible. I got kicked out of ninth grade for throwing a book at a girl who teased me. It was absolutely terrible. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I’m a big believer in getting kids involved in things where there’s a shared interest because that’s where they can have friends. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
One big question that’s come up is: Has autism increased on the mild side of things? I don’t think so - they’ve always been here. Some of this is increased detection. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Costs for liability insurance are higher than costs for many procedures. There is a need to reform liability laws to stop out-of-control health care costs. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Here’s certain things that are similar to cats and dogs. Dogs are just hyper social and they have a want to please you way more than a cat does. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
I’ve always thought of myself as a cattle-handling specialist, a college professor first; autism is secondary. (Temple Grandin Quotes)
Autism’s an important part of who I am, but I’m a college professor and an animal scientist first. And I wouldn’t want to change ‘cause I like the logical way I think. (Temple Grandin Quotes)