Temporary Quotes

Text Quotes
I got back in my car, starting the engine, then drove off. It wasn’t until I pulled onto the highway that it all really sunk it, how temporary our friendship had been. We’d been on our breaks, after all, but it wasn’t our relationships that were on pause: it was us. Now we were both in motion again, moving ahead. So what if there were questions left unanswered. Life went on. We knew that better than anyone (Temporary Quotes)
Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by the removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient (Temporary Quotes)
Ordinary people, even weak people, can do extraordinary things through temporary courage generated by a situation. But the person of character does not need the situation to generate his courage. It is a part of his being and a standard approach to all life’s challenges (Temporary Quotes)
Difference is that raw and powerful connection from which our personal power is forged... We have been taught to either ignore our differences or to view them as causes for separation and suspicion rather than as forces for change. Without community, there is no liberation, only the most vulnerable and temporary armistice between an individual and her oppression... Survival is learning to take our difference and make them strengths (Temporary Quotes)
Sublime places repeat in grand terms a lesson that ordinary life typically teaches viciously: that the universe is mightier than we are, that we are frail and temporary and have no alternative but to accept limitations on our will; that we must bow to necessities greater than ourselves (Temporary Quotes)
What is the difference between a prostitute and a wife? One is a temporary arrangement, the other is a little more permanent. Marriage is a permanent kind of prostitution; deep down, it is not different. Hence marriage and prostitution have both existed together (Temporary Quotes)
Things in which we do not take joy are either a burden upon our minds to be got rid of at any cost; or they are useful, and therefore in temporary and partial relation to us, becoming burdensome when their utility is lost; or they are like wandering vagabonds, loitering for a moment on the outskirts of our recognition, and then passing on. A thing is only completely our own when it is a thing of joy to us (Temporary Quotes)
We are, in a way, temporary ambulatory repositories for our nucleic acids. This does not deny our humanity; it does not prevent us from pursuing the good, the true and the beautiful. But it would be a great mistake to ignore where we have come from in our attempt to determine where we are going (Temporary Quotes)
Those who approach their jobs and careers with enthusiasm always find plenty of opportunities, while those who complain about no one ever giving them a chance are merely observers of life. When you are determined that you will not allow others to determine your future for you, when you refuse to allow temporary setbacks to defeat you, you are destined for great success. The opportunities will always be there for you (Temporary Quotes)
When we are angry we are blind to reality. Anger may bring us a temporary burst of energy, but that energy is blind and it blocks the part of our brain that distinguishes right from wrong. To deal with our problems, we need to be practical and realistic. If we are to be realistic, we need to use our human intelligence properly, which means we need a calm mind (Temporary Quotes)
Sometimes, instead of purchasing a commodity out and out, people want to buy only the use of it, for a longer or shorter period. The price paid for such temporary use is commonly called hire (Temporary Quotes)
We have made mistakes. In our haste to do all things for all people, we did not foresee the full consequences of our actions. and when the people raised their voices, we didn’t hear. But our deafness was only a temporary condition, and not an irreversible condition (Temporary Quotes)
These matters having been arranged, I had a temporary awning erected near the river, and was for three or four days busily employed writing an account of our journey for the Governor’s information (Temporary Quotes)
Credit expansion can bring about a temporary boom. But such a fictitious prosperity must end in a general depression of trade, a slump (Temporary Quotes)
A tragedy can never suffer by delay: a comedy may, because the allusions or the manners represented in it maybe temporary (Temporary Quotes)
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety (Temporary Quotes)
It is only as the temporary representatives and servants of the people that we meet here, we bring no hereditary status or gift of infallibility, and none follows us from this place (Temporary Quotes)
Scientific collaborations are akin to marriages, or temporary marriages. Their breakup is not unlike a divorce and rarely avoids acrimony (Temporary Quotes)
The understand the difficult truth that their best hope of freedom lies in a temporary experience of imperial rule (Temporary Quotes)
Temporary madness may be necessary in some cases, to cleanse and renovate the mind; just as a fit of illness is to carry off the humours of the body (Temporary Quotes)
Real merit requires as much labor, to be placed in a true light, as humbug to be elevated to an unworthy eminence; only the success of the false is temporary, that of the true, immortal (Temporary Quotes)
But sometimes optimism is the only drug that works. But it’s sadly temporary in its effects (Temporary Quotes)
Adversities are temporary. What is permanent is what we become by the way we react to them (Temporary Quotes)
When a girl uses six derogatory adjectives in her attempt to paint the portrait of the loved one, it means something. One may indicate a merely temporary tiff. Six is big stuff (Temporary Quotes)
Falling in love is not an extension of one’s limits or boundaries; it is a partial and temporary collapse of them (Temporary Quotes)
Poverty is easy to bear if it is only temporary, easier still if it is an entirely voluntary burden (Temporary Quotes)
But perhaps the truth newly discovered is itself only temporary and when new discoveries are made these truths too will be abandoned. But one truth remains for ever, and that is the search for truth (Temporary Quotes)
Every symbol, word, concept, discipline and field is only a temporary rest stop on the highway of discovery (Temporary Quotes)
Temporary release from work, through vacations, becomes more welcome, more pleasurable, even more necessary, as we grow older (Temporary Quotes)
Happiness is nothing but temporary moments here and there - and I love those. But I would be bored out of my mind if I were happy all the time (Temporary Quotes)