Temporary Quotes

Text Quotes
School is temporary. Education is not. If you want to prosper in life: find something that fascinates you and jump all over it. Don’t wait for someone to teach you; your enthusiasm will attract teachers to you. Don’t worry about diplomas or degrees; just get so good that no one can ignore you (Temporary Quotes)
Wise people build their lives around what is eternal and squeeze in what is temporary. Not the other way around (Temporary Quotes)
The task of the positional player is systematically to accumulate slight advantages and try to convert temporary advantages into permanent ones, otherwise the player with the better position runs the risk of losing it (Temporary Quotes)
Art is not fashionable. That’s why fashion and art are two different things. Fashion can never be art because fashion deals with whim, what is temporary, what changes, what is transient, what is now and not now. Art has to deal with issues that are timeless, that never change (Temporary Quotes)
I accept the consequences of all that I do. No matter what we do with our lives, our bodies are temporary. We’re all going to die, and I’d rather die climbing than doing anything else (Temporary Quotes)
Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true (Temporary Quotes)
People of the world will reject your reminders, because it reminds them that this world is temporary (Temporary Quotes)
Each galaxy, star, or person is the temporary owner of particles that have passed through the births and deaths of entities across vast reaches of time and space. The particles that make us have traveled billions of years across the universe; long after we and our planet are gone, they will be a part of other worlds (Temporary Quotes)
The truth is, you leave this world with nothing. What you are is a temporary administrator, and you must administer well... the wealth in your care, and generate more. The surplus can be used to do many things for people (Temporary Quotes)
The actions of bad men produce only temporary evil, the actions of good men only temporary good ; and eventually the good and the evil altogether subside, are neutralized by subsequent generations, absorbed by the incessant movements of future ages. But the discoveries of great men never leave us; they are immortal; they contain those eternal truths which survive the shock of empires, outlive the struggles of rival creeds, and witness the decay of successive religions (Temporary Quotes)
Take solace, take comfort. Your problems, too, will go away one day. They’re temporary. The only thing that is permanent in nature is in your heart. Recognize that and be fulfilled. Fulfill the possibility that was declared the day you were born, the moment you took your first breath (Temporary Quotes)
Anything you adopt temporarily only begets temporary results, and fluctuating your weight up and down is not lifespan favorable (Temporary Quotes)
If dislocation is a permanent state, I want to try and explore the possibility of temporary impermanence. If dislocation is a tatty dress from the thrift store, perhaps the solution is not to cast it aside. If dislocation is a tatty dress, perhaps the only solution is to mend it, scent it, and wear it until everything about it signifies newness, something close to the perpetual promise of a fresh start (Temporary Quotes)
There’s more truth about a camp than a house. Planning laws need not worry the improvising builder because temporary structures are more beautiful anyway, and you don’t need permission for them. There’s more truth about a camp because that is the position we are in. The house represents what we ourselves would like to be on earth: permanent, rooted, here for eternity. But a camp represents the true reality of things: we’re just passing through (Temporary Quotes)
Befriending the life in others is sometimes a complex matter. There are times when we offer our strength and protection, but these are usually only temporary measures. The greatest blessing we offer others may be the belief we have in their struggle for freedom, the courage to support and accompany them as they determine for themselves the strength that will become their refuge and the foundation for their lives. I think it is especially important to believe in someone at a time when they cannot yet believe in themselves. Then your belief will become their lifeline (Temporary Quotes)
Poor is a state of mind you never grow out of, but being broke is just a temporary condition (Temporary Quotes)
I’ve been acting my whole life. I have this huge imagination! I’m a dancer and my mom’s a dance teacher, and I was always performing and entertaining people. I’d go to see live theatre or a movie, and I’d become the main character for a few days afterwards. I loved being somebody new for a temporary amount of time (Temporary Quotes)
Sex is life: The act of creation in pleasure, the loss of oneself in another, the coming together of opposites in a temporary union of yin and yang, that creates something other than either. What is life if not this? (Temporary Quotes)
It’s traditionally not federal policy to fund state and local salaries. It’s done sometimes on a temporary basis or a grant basis. But it’s not often done. And the reason is clear, because the federal government can’t continue in perpetuity these programs (Temporary Quotes)
Even the rich aren’t often happy. Their wealth is at best only a temporary distraction. It doesn’t make them immune to emotional and mental suffering, or to disease and death. They too must deal with loneliness, the deaths of loved ones and the frustrations and boredom of old age (Temporary Quotes)
What is a labour victory? I maintain that it is a twofold thing. Workers must gain economic advantage, but they must also gain revolutionary spirit, in order to achieve a complete victory. For workers to gain a few cents more a day, a few minutes less a day, and go back to work with the same psychology, the same attitude toward society is to achieve a temporary gain and not a lasting victory (Temporary Quotes)
When you’re socially awkward, you’re isolated more than usual, and when you’re isolated more than usual, your creativity is less compromised by what has already been said and done. All your hope in life starts to depend on your craft, so you try to perfect it. One reason I stay isolated more than the average person is to keep my creativity as fierce as possible. Being the odd one out may have its temporary disadvantages, but more importantly, it has its permanent advantages (Temporary Quotes)
Beauty has no other origin than the singular wound, different in every case, hidden or visible, which each man bears within himself, which he preserves, and into which he withdraws when he would quit the world for a temporary but authentic solitude (Temporary Quotes)
Because that which was new was almost always temporary. And that which was temporary broke your heart (Temporary Quotes)
Running is many things to me: survival, calmness, euphoria, solitude. It is proof of my corporeal existence, my ability to control my movement through space if not time, and the obedience, however temporary, of my body to my will. As I run I displace air, and things come and go around me, and the path moves like a filmstrip beneath my feet (Temporary Quotes)
A master of happiness will appreciate what he or she has while they have them and the moment any specific thing is gone or lost, the focus will be on other things to appreciate and be grateful for. At times, this could be gratitude for the memories that remain. Material and physical objects are temporary, memories are forever (Temporary Quotes)
This drive to always want more is based on the misconceptions that having more will make me more happy, more important, and more secure, but all three ideas are untrue. Possessions only provide temporary happiness. Because things do not change, we eventually become bored with them and then want newer, bigger, better versions (Temporary Quotes)
Life is forever. Death is only a temporary abridgment. It is just a state of transition where you will move from one world into another. You will move from the physical to the causal, from matter into pure energy (Temporary Quotes)
What plays the mischief with the truth is that men will insist upon the universal application of a temporary feeling or opinion (Temporary Quotes)
The channel of art can only become clogged and misdirected by the artist’s concern with merely temporary and local disturbances. The song is higher than the struggle (Temporary Quotes)