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Ten Quotes

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Text Quotes
How lucky my life is that I have two arms, and two legs, and ten fingers with which to make things out of wood  (Ten Quotes) Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life is worth more than ten million ryo of gold  (Ten Quotes) It usually takes me at least ten days and a number of snacks to go from feeling something to being able to articulate what I felt  (Ten Quotes) I thought of all the different kinds of love in the world. I could think of ten without even trying. The way parents love their kids, the way you love a puppy or chocolate ice cream or home or your favorite book or your sister. Or your uncle. There’s those kinds of love and then there’s the other kind. The falling kind  (Ten Quotes) The public, as a whole, buys at the wrong time and sells at the wrong time. The average operator, when he sees two or three points profit, takes it; but, if a stock goes against him two or three points, he holds on waiting for the price to recover, with oftentimes, the result of seeing a loss of two or three points run into a loss of ten points  (Ten Quotes) A lot of people complain about yesterday. We have no power to change yesterday. But this very day, 30 years later, is what we can control and decide. Change yourself, take baby steps, and stay determined for ten years. I thank the times of change and everyone’s complaints. Because when everyone is complaining, that is your chance, an opportunity. It’s only in times of change that someone can be clear of what he has and wants, and what he needs to give up  (Ten Quotes) Surely it is a great thing to increase the numerous host of fixed stars previously visible to the unaided vision, adding countless more which have never before been seen, exposing these plainly to the eye in numbers ten times exceeding the old and familiar stars  (Ten Quotes) The probability of ten consecutive heads is 0.1 percent; thus, when you have millions of coin tossers, or investors, in the end there will be thousands of very successful practitioners of coin tossing, or stock picking  (Ten Quotes) When the new country came out ten to 15 years ago, people my age were almost too old. But it never stopped me. I never stopped writing. I never stopped recording  (Ten Quotes) It is not always possible to know, when you make a note of an event, or a state of mind, how this may strike someone perhaps ten thousand years later  (Ten Quotes) If you can express yourself so as to be perfectly understood in ten words, never use a dozen  (Ten Quotes) Ten thousand things there are which we believe merely upon the authority or credit of those who have spoken or written them  (Ten Quotes) There’s something cathartic about swearing 150 times after spending ten hours in the editing room  (Ten Quotes) People may talk about the equality of the sexes! They are not equal. The silent smile of a sensible, loving woman will vanquish ten men  (Ten Quotes) The great community of mankind had been subdivided into ten thousand communities, each organized for the ruin of the other  (Ten Quotes) Every ten years you should delete from your mind a few ideas that your experience has proven to be false  (Ten Quotes) To any who know the star field well from one certain reference point, stars are as individual as people. Jump ten parsecs, however, and not even your own sun is recognizable  (Ten Quotes) He who creates three to five haiku poems during a lifetime is a haiku poet. He who attains to completes ten is a master  (Ten Quotes) Enough, I shall be understood in ten years by people who will be doing what you do today. Then my geysers will be known, my ice floes will be seen, the secret of adulterating my poisons will have been learned, the games of my soul will be revealed  (Ten Quotes) The poor yield to the rich, the common people to the upper ten, the servants to their masters, the ignorant to the scholars; but there is nobody who does not imagine that he is really better than others  (Ten Quotes) The goals and expectations that people have for me are pretty high, but... if I were to have to compare their expectations to mine, I would say mine are ten times higher  (Ten Quotes) Directing is to fill anyone with a yearning to get back at ten o’clock next morning  (Ten Quotes) Nobody’s sex life is such that every experience is a ten. You may have to be satisfied with regular eights or sixes and even an occasional three  (Ten Quotes) ...the ten thousand things belong to one storehouse and life and death share the same body  (Ten Quotes) They wanna know why, I’m so fly, a girl asked me for a ring and I put one around her whole eye I’m looking nothing like ya poppa, I wouldn’t give a chick ten cents, to put cheese on a whopper  (Ten Quotes) One hundred ten thousand ears in this ballpark, and he’s got to hit my ear  (Ten Quotes) If you think it makes a difference if I have ten thousand sports cars, ten million girlfriends and lead a very flashy life... I don’t think you should work with any teacher because you don’t know what it is all about yet  (Ten Quotes) Advanced practice is the entrance into the ten thousand states of mind. Most people exist in five or six of these states in their whole lifetime  (Ten Quotes) The majority of the ten thousand states of mind cannot be discussed. It is rather a question of teaching a person to step outside the conceptual framework they have and transmitting blocks of awareness to an individual psychically  (Ten Quotes) The teaching of the ten thousand states of mind, particularly as one advances further, is done through transmission. This is where we differ from teaching algebra or calculus  (Ten Quotes)
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