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Ten Quotes

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Text Quotes
According to Eshin’s Essentials of Salvation, the Ten Pleasures are but a drop in the ocean when compared to the joys of the Pure Land  (Ten Quotes) I have ten thousand for defense, but none to surrender; if you want our weapons come and get them  (Ten Quotes) A user interface should be so simple that a beginner in an emergency can understand it within ten seconds  (Ten Quotes) No creaking gates, no gothic towers, no shuttered windows. Yet for the past ten months this house has been the focus of an astonishing barrage of supernatural activity  (Ten Quotes) Let me show you the inhumane cubicle space you’ll be inhabiting for ten hours a day  (Ten Quotes) Money doesn’t always bring happiness. A man with ten million dollars is no happier than a man with nine million dollars  (Ten Quotes) An athlete may run ten thousand miles in order to prepare for one hundred yards. Quantity gives experience  (Ten Quotes) Nine out of ten people who change their minds are wrong the second time too  (Ten Quotes) I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten thousand times, materials and combinations which wouldn’t work  (Ten Quotes) Enlightenment is the ability to freely transact within the ten thousand states of mind without a continuous self or awareness  (Ten Quotes) Settle down, precious. I know what you’re going through. Ten minutes before you got here, I was gonna jump, too  (Ten Quotes) One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photo out of focus are an experimentation, one hundred photo out of focus are a style  (Ten Quotes) You must do over the same subject ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must appear accidental, even a movement  (Ten Quotes) Also, I sort of let my appearance go, to the point where I was maybe ten to seventy pounds overweight  (Ten Quotes) Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing  (Ten Quotes) To a mathematician the eleventh means only a single unit: to the bushman who cannot count further than his ten fingers it is an incalculable myriad  (Ten Quotes) Reputation is a jewel which nothing can replace; it is ten thousand times more valuable capital than your diamonds  (Ten Quotes) I’ve got four lovely children, ten lovely grandchildren, and I left parliament to devote more time to politics, and I think that what is really going on in Britain is a growing sense of alienation. People don’t feel anyone listens to them  (Ten Quotes) Ten thousand hours is equivalent to roughly three hours a day, or 20 hours a week, of practice over 10 years... No one has yet found a case in which true world-class expertise was accomplished in less time. It seems that it takes the brain this long to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery  (Ten Quotes) Half of all kids in public education are below the poverty line. Two-thirds of the achievement gap comes from factors outside of school. Teachers influence about seven to ten percent of what happens in kids’ lives. When you think about those statistics, you have to think about how to re-envision education so it’s holistic and so we share responsibility  (Ten Quotes) I was ten years old in 1969, and while we lived in Arizona that year, I spent most of the summer staying with family friends in Portland, Oregon while my parents visited Spain. It was an adventure all around  (Ten Quotes) I feel blessed that I had an opportunity to be in the Big Ten for four years as a player and be in the Big Ten as a coach for eight years. To get 12 years in a conference like the Big Ten - it’s a first-class league with great towns and great fans  (Ten Quotes) The minute a thing is long and complicated, it confuses. Whoever wrote the Ten Commandments made ‘em short. They may not always be kept, but they are understood  (Ten Quotes) If I don’t get at least one e-mail every ten minutes, I feel unloved. Even junk mail makes me feel seen. Sad, I know. Sigh  (Ten Quotes) No one can see ahead three years, let alone five or ten. Competition, new inventions - all kinds of things - can change the situation in twelve months  (Ten Quotes) All the Ten Commandments and prayer is an acknowledgement of the Almighty God. We will not back down from that  (Ten Quotes) I consider it my duty to acknowledge God. To take down the Ten Commandments and to stop holding prayer would be a violation of that duty. I will not take down the Ten Commandments and I will not stop holding prayer  (Ten Quotes) Everybody expects the fairy tale - you’re going to be together forever with somebody. I don’t really subscribe to that. I’d love that to happen if that happened, but ten years is enough. Ten years is a good thing with somebody, I think. It’s a nice thing. A lot of good love can happen in ten years  (Ten Quotes) The premise of most media is that only conflict is newsworthy. And that’s just not true. I think for a lot of men, too - certainly for most women - there’s enough real conflict without manufacturing it. The media formula is always to have a pro and con, to say there are two sides to any issue, when in fact there may be ten sides  (Ten Quotes) In the case Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court ruled that - under ‘separation of church and state’ - it was unconstitutional for a student in school to even see a copy of the Ten Commandments  (Ten Quotes)
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