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Ten Quotes

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Text Quotes
My dad abandoned me when I was about two years old. So, he wasn’t around to protect me the way I needed to be protected. I started getting sexually abused from the time I was about five years old to the time I was ten. It really messed with my sense of self worth and my sense of all that was good with the world, almost  (Ten Quotes) I told personal stories the way [Bill] Cosby would spin a yarn for ten minutes. I think in hindsight it works better as a long story than as a condensed monologue  (Ten Quotes) Osama bin Laden has ten look-alikes to fool us Americans. Ten look-alikes, and he’s married to five of them  (Ten Quotes) When you first start out don’t set yourself a lofty goal of sitting down to meditate for twenty minutes. Aim instead for ten minutes or even five minutes - utilizing those few moments when you find yourself willing or even desiring just to take a break from the daily grind to observe your mind rather than drifting off into daydreams  (Ten Quotes) A vague goal is no goal at all. The Ten Commandments wouldn’t be very impressive, for instance, if they weren’t specific, but simply were couched in a phraseology such as ‘thou shalt not be a bad person  (Ten Quotes) It is remarkable, all that men can swallow. For a good ten minutes I read a newspaper. I allowed the spirit of an irresponsible man who chews and munches another’s words in his mouth, and gives them out again undigested, to enter into me through my eyes  (Ten Quotes) If you’re looking for a place to rest Cold Mountain is good for a long stay The breeze blowing through the dark pines Sounds better the closer you come And under the trees a white haired man Mumbles over his Taoist texts Ten years now he hasn’t gone home He’s even forgotten the road he came by  (Ten Quotes) If you want a peaceful place to dwell Cold Mountain is guaranteed forever A light wind blows softly in the pines The sound is good when you are close One old man sits beneath the trees Reading Lao Tzu and Huang Ti, mumbling I could not find the world if I searched ten years I’ve forgotten the road by which I came  (Ten Quotes) What women look for in a man: Breathing, IQ over 80, weight under 550 pounds, fewer than six ex-wives. What men look for in a woman: Pia Zadora as she was ten years ago  (Ten Quotes) The legendary Buddhist flower udumbara is believed to blossom once every three millennia! What about the Flower of Peace? In every ten million years?  (Ten Quotes) Man! What are you? Who are you? Just a shadow in this universe! You always forget this and the truth will always remind you what you really are! Do you want to be a real thing, not just a shadow? Improve your science ten thousand times; improve your science hundred thousand times! If you can’t improve your science, you will remain as a miserable shadow!  (Ten Quotes) Drink a bottle of French water and then step into the shower for ten minutes and you’ve just received the exposure equivalent of drinking a half gallon of tap water. We enjoy the most intimate of relationships with our public drinking water, whether we want to or not  (Ten Quotes) I spent ten years in the private sector, actually learning how business works. I’m the governor of Ohio, and I inherited a state that was on the brink of dying. And we turned it all around with jobs and balanced budgets and rising credit and tax cuts, and the state is unified, and people have hope again in Ohio  (Ten Quotes) I was born out west but later on I migrated to the east side of Chicago. That’s where my roots are at. I’ve been over east for more than ten years  (Ten Quotes) All the children of America, up to age seven or eight or nine or ten - they’re really great artists. So here we’ve got this amazing work that very few people pay any attention to, and it’s not valued by the culture  (Ten Quotes) Sexual freedom and liberation has to be of your own making. I’m stunned when I hear about friends’ children, ten or twelve years old giving blow jobs. I just don’t like the girls being used or exploited in that way. It’s just indiscriminate sexual relating. It’s just the isolated things  (Ten Quotes) Everyone starts out desperately trying to make a hit, but some people are just more mistake-prone than others. I happened to be fairly mistake-prone. Of the 40 shows I made, I’d say ten were hits, which is a pretty good average  (Ten Quotes) Right after graduation, I married Samuel Fisher Babbitt, an academic administrator. I spent the next ten years in Connecticut, Tennessee, and Washington, D.C., raising our children, Christopher, Tom, and Lucy  (Ten Quotes) By 2050, seven out of ten people will live in cities, which will account for six billion people living in urban areas. That phenomenon is central to all the challenges humanity faces. If there is an issue to be addressed, then it is certainly happening in cities and therefore must be considered on an urban scale  (Ten Quotes) Everybody that I was in school with had an uncle or father in the law, and I started to realize that I was going to end up writing briefs for about ten years for these fellows who I thought I was smarter than. And I was kind of losing my feeling for that  (Ten Quotes) My grandma actually put me in girdles when I was around nine or ten because I had hips even then, and she didn’t want boys to be attracted to me. Having hips meant you were a full-grown woman, and I was too young for that  (Ten Quotes) To shuck oysters, you’ll need an oyster knife, a handy tool with a sturdy handle and a short, rigid blade which you can pick up for about ten bucks in a kitchenware shop or fish market. A quick trip online will yield any number of videos and slide shows with step-by-step instructions on how to shuck an oyster  (Ten Quotes) The real problem is that there’s a tendency to associate ageing with loss and decline and things that aren’t desirable. But experiencing all that there is to experience in life - whether that’s at the age of ten or thirty or fifty or eighty - is what life is all about  (Ten Quotes) My brother, who’s ten years younger than me, worked with me in the studio when he was very young. He’s a guitar player and does programming as well. To have the working and personal relationship coincide has been very natural  (Ten Quotes) I was raised on gospel. I remember hip-hop and rock music were secular, so basically, for my first ten years living in Detroit, I was on gospel. But when I moved to Houston, that’s when I got to open up my musical horizons  (Ten Quotes) I love the Rio Grande Valley. I always say it’s home - Texas is home. I’ve been out in L.A. a little over ten years, and I still get so excited when I go back home. It just feels comfortable; it makes me smile  (Ten Quotes) My dad and mom divorced when I was around ten, and I didn’t live with him after that, though he was close by and we saw each other weekly. I wasn’t really aware that he was a writer; I didn’t start reading his writing until I was about fifteen. It occurred to me then that my dad was kind of special; he’s still one of my favorite writers  (Ten Quotes) If we’re honest with ourselves, our user experience hadn’t kept up with the competition. In the first ten years eBay created the market. Now we’re positioning ourselves to innovate off our core platform. This is not a project. We’re never done  (Ten Quotes) It’s a double-headed coin, because technology is a convenience but it’s stifled our attention spans. At one time, albums had songs that were like ten minutes long, with different variations and chord progressions and changes  (Ten Quotes) You can’t find an uglier urban environment than the centre of Hollywood, but then you go to Griffith Park, you go to the beach, you go to the mountains, and it’s rural. I live up in the Hollywood Hills and I have frogs, owls, coyotes, mountain lions - but I’m ten minutes from the centre of the city  (Ten Quotes)
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