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Ten Quotes

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Text Quotes
I received rejection letters for ten years (one on a napkin, written in crayon.) I had all my rejection notices stored in a box. When the box was finally full I took it to the curb and set it on fire. The next day I went out and got a temp job  (Ten Quotes) Name ten songs you want to hear again before you die, get all of your friends together and scream them. Because right now all you have is time, but someday that time will run out. That’s the only thing you can be absolutely certain about  (Ten Quotes) Ten years ago, I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable. I’d smile when I was sad, pretend to like people who appalled me. What I now know is that losses aren’t cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing  (Ten Quotes) My dad was working abroad, in Iraq, and he was a doctor. We used to go and visit him, in Baghdad, off and on. For the first ten years of my life, we used to go backwards and forwards to Baghdad, so that was quite amazing. I spent a lot of time traveling around the Middle East  (Ten Quotes) In college, my wife did a study abroad in Nairobi, and I did the exact same program in Cape Town. For me, the experience of being in that other culture really set up a longing. When I’m traveling, things seem really sharp. You learn things ten times faster  (Ten Quotes) To make money, it may be important to win the Academy Award, for it might mean another ten million dollars at the box office  (Ten Quotes) I’d like ten more babies and ten more chihuahuas and a few Academy Awards. Meanwhile, I enjoy being a sex symbol and making people happy  (Ten Quotes) As we began working toward the finale of ‘Lost,’ I knew there was no possible ending that was going to be universally loved, and I accepted that. We ended the story the way we wanted it to end, and we stand by it. On my Twitter feed, I still get ten to fifteen positive comments for every negative one  (Ten Quotes) According to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, Donald Trump`s tax plan is going to increase the national debt by more than 50 percent over ten years  (Ten Quotes) Ten years before Matrix, ten years before Crouching Tiger - I wanted to do a Hong Kong action movie  (Ten Quotes) You can tell if it’s a good collection if people are afraid of it. In ten years, everyone will love it.  (Ten Quotes) Ten years after the Chernobyl accident, and am I the only one that’s disappointed? Still no superheros.  (Ten Quotes) When I finished [writing it], I was crying. I knew at long last, after ten years of trying, I had written something good.  (Ten Quotes) I was always wondering why the first ten minutes of eating fast food is heavenly and then after those ten minutes you start feeling like s**t?  (Ten Quotes) Cultural wisdom says ‘Don’t quit your day job.’ Yet I think these desires represent our psyche’s stretch toward wholeness. And to be whole, as many religious tranditions teach, is to make manifest a unique face of God in the world. We don’t want to be irresponsible, yet for every accountant who deserts his family and sails for Tahiti, ten American men have heart attacks at their desks, after hours.  (Ten Quotes) There’s something cathartic about swearing 150 times after spending ten hours in the editing room.  (Ten Quotes) I’m always late to bed - usually after midnight - but then I sleep for around ten hours  (Ten Quotes) You can keep on chewing gum for ten hours, but after about a minute and a half you’ve got all the good out of it.  (Ten Quotes) When I was ten, I spent a school holiday watching a lot of films: ‘Dead Poets Society’, ‘Stand By Me’, ‘Home Alone’ and ‘The Goonies’. It completely inspired me. I told my parents I wanted to become an actor after that.  (Ten Quotes) I usually sleep ten to eight hours per night. I sometimes also have a nap in the afternoon.  (Ten Quotes) Women are usually only interesting to studio executives when they are fecund, between the ages of 15 and 30. I decided to get through the really tough patch, around 50, by just cutting my price and playing ten years older. I didn’t want to have to wait until I was an old lady to play one.  (Ten Quotes) At about the age of ten, my friends and I discovered the joys of sitting in graveyards drinking merrydown cider and kissing and stealing our elder siblings’ records.  (Ten Quotes) I’m appalled at how many people my age, or even five or ten years younger, have no tangible memories of important history that happened when we were growing up.  (Ten Quotes) A new medical study reports that men who eat ten pizzas a week are less likely to develop prostate problems at age 50. That’s because they are usually dead by age 40.  (Ten Quotes) I was loved as a kid; I was raised with more love and emotional support than most folks could wish for... my memories aged nought to ten... are all bound up together in a mesh of innocence and fun.  (Ten Quotes) We need to agree on common values for all religions as soon as possible, a kind of secular Ten Commandments on which we will build the world of tomorrow.  (Ten Quotes) In last ten days what I faced was truly unbearable, somewhere I felt little disappear, I traveled more than thousand miles, saw death, faced problems, fights, Anger, Illness and many... and finally I am back, feeling great. Thanks Allah for immense Luv and for make me Strong...  (Ten Quotes) I absolutely adore cows. They’re the most fascinating, gentle and beautiful animals. Their eyes are so amazing. I have ten that live on the land around my house. I love to talk to them. There are few things better than falling asleep in a field and being woken up by an inquisitive cow.  (Ten Quotes) I believe if more American children read the Ten Commandments and are taught what they mean, they will predictably engage in less crime.  (Ten Quotes) If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.  (Ten Quotes)
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