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Ten Quotes

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My theory is that nine times out of ten, if there’s a depression, more a social depression than anything, it brings out the best art in black people. The best example is, Reagan and Bush gave us the best years of hiphop.  (Ten Quotes) I’m pretty caring, loyal and loving to those who are close to me. Two of my friends are from school, so I’ve known them for more than 30 years. My best friend, Paul Fisher, sat next to me in English when I was ten or 11. If you asked him, he’d say I was loyal. I don’t think I’ve changed over the years.  (Ten Quotes) In Utah alone, ten million acres are open for business. Their policy is not about the public or the public’s best interest. It is about the oil and gas corporations’ best interests.  (Ten Quotes) Edward: It wasn’t the worst night of my life. Jake: Did it make the top ten? Edward: Possibly. But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.  (Ten Quotes) I don’t see my skin aging. I see my skin looking as good, or better, than it did ten years ago...and that makes me smile.  (Ten Quotes) I hope that five years and ten years from now, I’ll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.  (Ten Quotes) Well I think in all the thirty years I’ve been doing this now and being gone from home and all that stuff it’s really, it’s not about what I’ve achieved and if I’ve become a better player, or played better ten years ago than I do today.  (Ten Quotes) Small business, right down to the individual can beat big, bureaucratic companies ten times out of ten.  (Ten Quotes) If you want to ask about my drug problem, go ask my big, fat, smart, ten pound daughter, she’ll answer any questions you have about it.  (Ten Quotes) It took me ten years to write The Night Journal, so that was a big ordeal  (Ten Quotes) Men! I said. You all a bunch of chauvinist morons Stephanie Plum - Ten Big Ones  (Ten Quotes) Ten out of ten people die. You start thinking about that and it really makes you start to ask the big questions: Where did I come from? Where am I going when I die? What happens when we step out of here? What’s out there?  (Ten Quotes) There’s a certain cruelty to being on a big screen as your eyelids start to sag and your hair falls out and turns gray that you either have to be able to handle or not. What you can’t do is try to force yourself into roles that you could have played or would have played ten years earlier.  (Ten Quotes) It’s nice if you’re making a regular pop or rock album and you get ten little songs. But I really try to make the album with one big story instead of ten small stories.  (Ten Quotes) My kids, they’re like nine or ten years old right now so you give ‘em responsibilities just to keep them up on things. It ain’t just all about getting on the skateboard or putting your Heelys on, and swimming in the pool all the time. You gotta do stuff like wash dishes, take the trash out, feed the dog.  (Ten Quotes) They said these North Korean missiles had enough range to hit Seattle, but residents in Seattle were not worried. Today Bill Gates said Microsoft has enough missiles to destroy North Korea ten times over.  (Ten Quotes) Today’s children are taught by our culture that we are a cosmic accident. Something slithered out of the primal slime and over billions of years evolved into a human being. We are cousins, ten times removed, to the ape at the zoo eating his own excrement.  (Ten Quotes) A thousand hills, but no birds in flight, Ten thousand paths, with no person’s tracks. A lonely boat, a straw-hatted old man, Fishing alone in the cold river snow.  (Ten Quotes) I never have more than one bag at a time. I think one is already quite enough. Also, I hate changing bags, so I never have the thing of having ten bags. Any bag that’s with me will take the same course as I will. It will take the same airplanes and will be squashed in the same way and will be used as a cushion in the airports.  (Ten Quotes) It’s not a failure if a marriage or partnership ends after a certain number of years. I think, in general, we expect too much of partners. We can’t fulfil a person’s every single need and, after ten years or so, many relationships wear out. If we were more philosophical about it, we wouldn’t try to blame the other person or be bitter.  (Ten Quotes) Ah, Christ, I love you rings to the wild sky And I must think a little of the past: When I was ten I told a stinking lie That got a black boy whipped....  (Ten Quotes) The most attractive habitats for synthetic sentience might be the vicinities of exceptional sources of energy - for example black holes, or even the neighbourhoods of large stars, which routinely boil off the energy of ten thousand suns. These are the destinations they may seek.  (Ten Quotes) I didn’t run into racism until we moved to Nassau when I was ten and a half, but it was vastly different from the kind of horrendous oppression that black people in Miami were under when I moved there at 15. I found Florida an antihuman place.  (Ten Quotes) What’s so seductive about the efficient markets hypothesis is that it applies nine years out of ten. A lot of the time it works. But when it stops working, you blow up.  (Ten Quotes) Ten years have passed since a perfect blue sky morning turned into the blackest of nights. Since then we’ve lived in sunshine and in shadow, and although we can never unsee what happened here, we can also see that children who lost their parents have grown into young adults, grandchildren have been born and good works and public service have taken root to honor those we loved and lost.  (Ten Quotes) I was sent to boarding school at the age of ten. I think Mummy was trying to protect me in her own way, trying to spare me living through the day-to-day reality of her illness.  (Ten Quotes) In the ten houses the police had scouted, I hadn’t sensed anything more dangerous than a pot that prevents over-boiling.  (Ten Quotes) Reading books is fantastic. I didn’t do it until ten years ago. It’s great.  (Ten Quotes) I love reading all kinds of books. I usually have about ten books going at any one time - books about the past, the present, novels, non-fiction, poetry, mythology, religion, etc. Reading is my favorite thing to do.  (Ten Quotes) Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get. Number Six in the Top Ten Most Famous Movie Quotes. -The Guinness Book of Film  (Ten Quotes)
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