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Ten Quotes

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Text Quotes
I thought of all the different kinds of love in the world. I could think of ten without even trying. The way parents love their kids, the way you love a puppy or chocolate ice cream or home or your favorite book or your sister. Or your uncle. There’s those kinds of love and then there’s the other kind. The falling kind.  (Ten Quotes) The truth doesn’t change. It was the same when Moses got the Ten Commandments as it is today. That’s the thing about the truth. That’s the thing about real. It doesn’t change and it doesn’t have to change. Now you can put it in a different book, but it’s still real. It’s still the truth.  (Ten Quotes) Ten years ago, it was really difficult for a young actress to walk onto a set and disagree with the director and having that be OK and have a conversation about it and everyone be cool with it.  (Ten Quotes) It was difficult every ten days having a new director. I’m a real collaborator and, as an actor, I want to be directed. It’s hard for me to shift gears.  (Ten Quotes) When I usually go to my studio to work, I start with something that is going to take two minutes just to put some idea down and the next thing I know, ten hours have gone by and my family is screaming at me because they want me to come up to have dinner with them.  (Ten Quotes) A safe rule where Jewish propaganda is concerned is to multiply or divide their figures by ten, at least, before accepting them as the basis for discussion.  (Ten Quotes) If I knew what was going to happen in ten years I would do it now. I just follow my nose.  (Ten Quotes) After ten years of word processing, I can’t even do hand writing anymore  (Ten Quotes) I went to the doctor recently and she actually prescribed that I go out for ten minutes a day, I’m so depleted on vitamin D.  (Ten Quotes) In documentary you sometimes see the tyranny of the linear, but what I’ve noticed in the last ten years in narrative film is the tyranny of the non-linear.  (Ten Quotes) The less people that are on the stage, there’s more drama. You start living the music with each individual. When you see a band with ten people on stage, just a huge ensemble, you don’t know who’s doing what.  (Ten Quotes) There’s nothing more vulnerable than just standing in front of a thousand people, or ten thousand people, and doing your best to entertain them, touch them in some way.  (Ten Quotes) The man in the coon skin cap in the pig pen wants eleven dollar bills, you’ve only got ten  (Ten Quotes) I don’t believe in this fairy tale of staying together for ever. Ten years with somebody is enough. In ten years, you can give a lot of love.  (Ten Quotes) The key to becoming a proactive influence for music education is the development of a dream list. It is more often referred to as a long-term plan. Do you know what you want your program to look like in the next five years? Ten years? Start now!  (Ten Quotes) Oh, dreams! In one night, lying with one’s eyes shut, one may sometimes live through more than ten years of happiness.  (Ten Quotes) According to Eshin’s Essentials of Salvation, the Ten Pleasures are but a drop in the ocean when compared to the joys of the Pure Land.  (Ten Quotes) I love to talk about the drums and music. I started playing drums when I was probably six and played a lot until I was about ten or eleven years old. So, I guess five or six years where I played. I had a drum set at home, and I would just bang on it. I’d even go on the Internet and study basic beats and so forth.  (Ten Quotes) If I lived in Massachusetts, I’d try to vote ten times ... Yeah that’s right, I’d cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. Because that’s exactly what they are.  (Ten Quotes) When you’re in your early 20s your love life seems to explode every 20 minutes or so. By the time you’ve reached your thirties, it is every five or ten years.  (Ten Quotes) For the first time, individual hackers could afford to have home machines comparable in power and storage capacity to the minicomputers of ten years earlier - Unix engines capable of supporting a full development environment and talking to the Internet.  (Ten Quotes) I found that part of it towards San Salvador extending from north to south five leagues, and the other side which we coasted along, ran from east to west more than ten leagues.  (Ten Quotes) I’ve been lucky enough to travel widely. When you’re based in Europe, it’s very easy to go to Madrid or Budapest for the weekend. I also lived in Italy for ten years and now live in Ireland.  (Ten Quotes) Popular women use positive, optimistic language in their online profiles, not buzzwords like future thinker. Here are the ten most often used words I found: easy-going, love, laugh, laid-back, optimistic, outgoing, fun, down-to-earth, pleasure, adventure.  (Ten Quotes) I know you’re always supposed to want more of everything. But in truth, I’m having a nice ebb and flow of being in my daughter’s life every day and getting to keep my work life alive. I’m not nominated for ten thousand everythings every minute, but I am acting and telling stories I love.  (Ten Quotes) I took music theory for one year in high school and flunked all but one six-week period. That’s because I couldn’t read music, and the rest of the class was already eight or nine years into it. The teacher would sit down and hit a ten-fingered chord on the piano and you had to write all the notes down in about ten seconds. I just couldn’t do it.  (Ten Quotes) Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne illness in the United States, and the incidence is growing rapidly. In 2009, the C.D.C. reported thirty-eight thousand cases, three times more than in 1991. Most researchers agree that the true number of infections is five to ten times higher.  (Ten Quotes) It is a tragedy, perhaps, that human beings can get so much energy and enthusiasm from hate. If you want to feel ten feet tall and as though you could run a hundred miles without stopping, hate beats pure cocaine any day. Hitler resurrected a beaten, bankrupt, half-starved nation with hatred and nothing more. Imagine that.  (Ten Quotes) I enjoyed being in ‘The Ten Commandments.’ That was a great experience - to suddenly become one of those holy people. I was holier than thou.  (Ten Quotes) There was one public school for boys, and one for girls, but Jewish children were admitted in limited numbers - only ten to a hundred; and even the lucky ones had their troubles.  (Ten Quotes)
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