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Ten Quotes

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When I found out I was going to be on CBS every morning, my first phone call was to Jenny Craig. Ten days later, I’d lost nine pounds. Now I even take the plan’s popcorn with me to the movies.  (Ten Quotes) We’re sharing things in our lives everyday that we wouldn’t have picked up the phone to talk about ten years ago.  (Ten Quotes) We are wasting our water mostly by putting waste into it. One cubic meter of wastewater can pollute ten cubic meters of water. Discharging wastewater into oceans turns freshwater into the less useful salty stuff, and desalination is expensive.  (Ten Quotes) Even after I played ten years of ball, I still felt like I had to play well or somebody might take my place. They had plenty of players in the minor leagues who were good enough to come up and take your job, and I think that kept us going all of the time. I hustled and put that extra effort in all of the time.  (Ten Quotes) In matters of truth the fact that you don’t want to publish something is, nine times out of ten, a proof that you ought to publish it.  (Ten Quotes) It’s funny, but certain faces seem to go in and out of style. You look at old photographs and everybody has a certain look to them, almost as if they’re related. Look at pictures from ten years later and you can see that there’s a new kind of face starting to predominate, and that the old faces are fading away and vanishing, never to be seen again.  (Ten Quotes) There’s a crazy, false notion that audiences are not patient or will not watch a story, that you have to put in a scare every ten minutes. But I always thought that was insane.  (Ten Quotes) I spent ten years in London; I trained there. But because I started in English, it kind of feels the most natural to me, to act in English, which is a strange thing. My language is Spanish; I grew up in Argentina. I speak to my family in Spanish, but if you were to ask me what language I connect with, it’d be English in some weird way.  (Ten Quotes) I come from a stupid family. My uncle heard that most deaths occurs within ten miles of the house...so he moved.  (Ten Quotes) When you look at a family, if you have a family that never interacts with each other, never has strong conversation with each other, never has disagreements, nine times out of ten you have a very cold family and they’re not going to be, at the end, they’re not going to be close.  (Ten Quotes) I worked in fashion for ten years, and like anyone in the fashion industry, even if you leave, you never leave fashion behind.  (Ten Quotes) I did not plan to have such a career in the fashion world. All that I wanted, was to have ten kids and raise them!  (Ten Quotes) I would love to have access to a company like Caterpillar. I would make all their stuff remote controlled and work ten times as fast.  (Ten Quotes) Going to work is probably my favorite thing to do. I do that five days a week for probably ten hours a day, but it doesn’t even feel like work and it shouldn’t. When you enjoy a job so much like I do, it’s not work, it’s play.  (Ten Quotes) When I was ten, I loved movies like ‘Cool Hand Luke’ and ‘Roman Holiday.’ When I watched those things, I felt like it was such a good escape. It wasn’t even that I needed an escape, but I wanted to be an actor so I could give that feeling to someone else.  (Ten Quotes) I started boxing when I was eight. I enjoyed when I could hit someone and they couldn’t hit me back. It was like a game for me. The feeling of knocking someone out. My first knockout victory was when I was ten. He went down and his nose started to bleed, so they stopped it.  (Ten Quotes) A reporter is always concerned with tomorrow. There’s nothing tangible of yesterday. All I can say I’ve done is agitate the air ten or fifteen minutes and then boom - it’s gone.  (Ten Quotes) SWAT is already on its way. I’ll be at your position in about ten minutes. SWAT should arrive in about fifteen to twenty.[Javier:] I’ll have her by then.  (Ten Quotes) A lot of artists make art for five years, some artists make art for ten years, a few make art for fifteen: very few do it until they die.  (Ten Quotes) If at the end of your first ten or fifteen years of fighting and working and feeling, you find you’ve written one line of one poem, you’ll be very lucky indeed.  (Ten Quotes) The older painting - well, it does have an effect all at once, I suppose, but it’s of a lesser intensity than a lot of the American work in the last ten or fifteen years.  (Ten Quotes) From the time I was ten, I thought of myself as ‘good with words,’ thanks to a perceptive and supportive fifth grade teacher.  (Ten Quotes) I took a film course in grade ten that made me want to direct, and I’ve always been making short films and home videos with my friends, so it’s definitely something I wanna pursue as well.  (Ten Quotes) I think there’s only one or two films where I’ve had all the financial support I needed. All the rest, I wish I’d had the money to shoot another ten days.  (Ten Quotes) I guess there’s just a part of me that’s not very enthusiastic about finding myself ten years from now halfway through a story that may or may not be any good.  (Ten Quotes) I think higher ed in the U.S. is fairly healthy, and by global standards it dominates, and it makes people more productive. But a lot of our K-12 is a disaster. And the single most important reform would just be to fire the worst ten or 15 percent of teachers in the lot, and we would have massive improvements.  (Ten Quotes) Most of the comics that I talk to I’ve never talked to for more than ten minutes ever. So 95 percent of the time you’re really hearing the first conversation between me and that guy on the podcast.  (Ten Quotes) I used to run ten miles every other day and eat very little. I was living in London on my own for the first time and no one was checking on me. I wasn’t anorexic but lost three stone. I weighed around seven. It lasted six months until I ran out of willpower.  (Ten Quotes) On Aug. 19, 1953, Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran became the first victim of a C.I.A. coup. Ten months later, on June 27, 1954, President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala became the second.  (Ten Quotes) I exercise a lot and I love it. I’m fine. But you know, I’d like to be alive in ten years, that’d be my first priority.  (Ten Quotes)
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