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Ten Quotes

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I don’t like the sound of my phone ringing so I put my phone inside my fish tank. I can’t hear it, but every time I get a call I see the fish go like this <<<>>><<>><<<<. I go down to the pet store and said, Give me another ten guppies, I got a lot of calls yesterday.  (Ten Quotes) But probably for the last ten years or so, I’ve been fitting in animation work into my other projects.  (Ten Quotes) I sometimes follow people who attract my curiosity in the street for five, ten minutes  (Ten Quotes) All I knew was that I couldn’t have him right now. It was impossible. Could I have him in a year? Two years? Five years? Ten years? I didn’t know. All I knew was that although the universe was pushing us together, it was also pushing us apart.  (Ten Quotes) I like folk songs, but ten horses couldn’t bring me to a concert or an opera  (Ten Quotes) Ten years ago, TV cookery shows were about a man or a woman following recipes. Now, it’s all about journeys and campaigns and less about the actual chopping and dicing. That’s what I’d like to do with magic.  (Ten Quotes) I eat bags and bags of cashews. I’ve got them in the kitchen, and about ten feet away I’ve got another bowl on the kitchen table. In my backpack, I’ve always got a bag of cashews. I started eating them in the airports because that’s the one food that you can find in every airport that’s actually nutritious.  (Ten Quotes) Ten years ago I said, you know, my goal is to be able to get food on the table. What I’m trying to say by that is trying to create a vibrant, capable and effective middle class. The quicker and stronger that we can be able to do this, the easier it is for political reform to move forward.  (Ten Quotes) I spent my thirties living out of boxes and moving every six months to a year. It was my cloud period: I just wandered like a cloud for ten years, following the food supply. I was a hunter, gatherer, an academic migrant.  (Ten Quotes) In a field hospital, some ten kilometres behind the lines, Marius lay dying. For three days he had been dying and it was disturbing to the other patients.  (Ten Quotes) Our fifty principal cities contain 39.3 per cent of our entire German population, and 45.8 per cent of the Irish. Our ten larger cities only nine per cent of the entire population, but 23 per cent of the foreign.  (Ten Quotes) If I owe Smith ten dollars and God forgives me, that doesn’t pay Smith  (Ten Quotes) It is the easiest thing in the world to become a Christian - ten thousand times easier than it is to hold out unrepenting against the motives which God presents to the mind, to induce it to forsake its evil thoughts and turn unto Him.  (Ten Quotes) True men ... are strong willed, have dignity in their demeanor, serenity in their expression. They are cool like autumn, warm like spring. Their passions arise like the four seasons, in harmony with the ten thousand creatures, and no one knows their limits.  (Ten Quotes) We are not really privy to all that crazy stuff that goes on in the show. I go to work, eat, and talk about food. The wild things happen when we aren’t around. I expected Top Chef to last three or four seasons and we are now shooting season ten.  (Ten Quotes) I can’t go underground for a year, ten years, my whole life, waiting for freedom to be handed to me. Freedom is something you have to take for yourself.  (Ten Quotes) Let me give you an idea of Fifties Britain. The war had ended ten years before, and most people had returned to their gardens and allotments hoping life would revert to how it was before the hostilities.  (Ten Quotes) This 90/10 rule holds true in almost anything financial. Take the game of golf, for example. Ten percent of the professional golfers make 90 percent of the money.  (Ten Quotes) Since I met him ten years ago there hasn’t been a day that I didn’t think of George Burns. And I didn’t think of him again today.  (Ten Quotes) For the first ten years after I got out of graduate school, I studied success. I read every book I could get my hands on and took every training I could find, and that allowed me to become an expert in this area. I learned how to create high self-esteem and success in my own life and in the lives of others.  (Ten Quotes) I’m not driven to get back into politics. It’s not on my top five things to do before I die, but saying that, I may be in politics in the next year or the next ten years. I’ve been on the front line for 12 years, four in state government, eight on the national level.  (Ten Quotes) You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phoney stuff in the movies, and nine times out of ten they’re mean bastards at heart.  (Ten Quotes) If I was a Jewish girl in Hitler’s day, I would become his girlfriend. After ten days in bed, he would come to my way of thinking.  (Ten Quotes) Being a decathlete is like having ten girlfriends. You have to love them all, and you can’t afford losing one.  (Ten Quotes) Anyway. Give me your ten.I’ve had sex with more than ten women in one week.Cancun. Spring Break 2004. Mexico is awesome.Uck. Is that supposed to impress me?  (Ten Quotes) I’m very proud of all my children. They all have Christian families; they read the Bible; they pray; the kids go to Sunday school; they know the Ten Commandments by heart. That’s my greatest honor, and I couldn’t do anything to glorify God that could surpass that. That’s very meaningful.  (Ten Quotes) Well, I’ve been happily supporting myself for ten years now on the hustle and trade of live entertainment. I guess my breakthrough moment was when I decided to go for it once and for all.  (Ten Quotes) [The wall will be] ten feet taller. And every time they [Mexicans] protest, it`s going to go up a little bit higher.  (Ten Quotes) But then in novels the most indifferent hero comes out right at last. Some God comes out of a theatrical cloud and leaves the poor devil ten thousand-a-year and a title.  (Ten Quotes) Earrings are the same as sneezes: Two is okay, but ten in a row is annoying. If you have two then, God bless you.  (Ten Quotes)
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