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Tendency Quotes

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The first symptom of true love in a young man is timidity, in a girl it is boldness. The two sexes have a tendency to approach, and each assumes the qualities of the other  (Tendency Quotes) Nothing, in truth, has such a tendency to weaken not only the powers of invention, but the intellectual powers in general, as a habit of extensive and various reading without reflection  (Tendency Quotes) People from the past, have a tendency to walk back into the present, and run over the future  (Tendency Quotes) The business of art is no longer the communication of thoughts or feelings which are to be conceptually ordered, but a direct participation in an experience. The whole tendency of modern communication... Is towards participation in a process, rather than apprehension of concepts  (Tendency Quotes) These differences involve a tendency for more males to be at one end of the continuum on a specific cognitive ability, while the majority of females tend to be toward the other end of the continuum on the same ability, with some overlap between the two groups  (Tendency Quotes) The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners  (Tendency Quotes) I have a tendency to say yes to a script or no to a script. Not yes based on a rewrite  (Tendency Quotes) I think there is a tendency in science to measure what is measurable and to decide that what you cannot measure must be uninteresting  (Tendency Quotes) First, people don’t read novels off screens, and they don’t have a tendency to shell out real money for books when they don’t retain anything physically for their money  (Tendency Quotes) We have a tendency to put ourselves last, we concentrate on everything else; work, friends, family, home issues, but we ignore the deeper stuff until it becomes so compressed that it can explode  (Tendency Quotes) There has been a tendency through the years for reason and moderation to prevail as long as things are going tolerably well or as long as our problems seem clear and finite and manageable  (Tendency Quotes) I kind of realize that I have a tendency to choose the kind of films I watched when I was a kid and would go home and pretend with my friends that we were in those movies after we saw them  (Tendency Quotes) Above all, it behooves us to repress, and if possible to extinguish once and for all, our inveterate tendency to judge others by the extent to which they contrive to be like ourselves  (Tendency Quotes) The tendency of old age, say the physiologists, is to form bone. It is as rare as it is pleasant, to meet with an old man whose opinions are not ossified  (Tendency Quotes) I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results  (Tendency Quotes) Our human tendency is to be impatient with the person who cannot see the truth that is so plain to us. We must be careful that our impatience is not interpreted as condemnation or rejection  (Tendency Quotes) The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity, since the tastes, knowledge, and principles of the majority form the tribunal of appeal  (Tendency Quotes) This tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis of all human mental illness  (Tendency Quotes) The tendency of all strong governments has always been to suppress liberty, partly in order to ease the processes of rule, partly from sheer disbelief in innovation  (Tendency Quotes) Every character I’ve ever played, I always try to take him right to the edge and not allow him to fall over, but directors have a tendency to pull me back a little bit  (Tendency Quotes) Directors have a tendency to use their hands like orchestra conductors. They don’t realize that the actor is looking at their faces, anyway  (Tendency Quotes) One of the greatest hindrances to happiness in the present day is our tendency to standardize our conception of it  (Tendency Quotes) The tendency of old age to the body, say the physiologists, is to form bone. It is as rare as it is pleasant to meet with an old man whose opinions are not ossified  (Tendency Quotes) Everywhere among the English-speaking race criminal justice was rude, and punishments were barbarous; but the tendency was to do away with special privileges and legal exemptions  (Tendency Quotes) In the months leading up to World War II, there was a tendency among many Americans to talk absently about the trouble in Europe. Nothing that happened an ocean away seemed very threatening  (Tendency Quotes) One of the problems I have with a lot of movies these days is that everything is too well lit. In the world of digital creations there is a tendency to show too muc  (Tendency Quotes) There is a strong tendency in the United States to rally round the flag and their troops, no matter how mistaken the war  (Tendency Quotes) We managed to hang in there. Today when people get married there’s a tendency to run away when things get tough. There is a lot of strength in hanging together  (Tendency Quotes) I guess when I first started speaking with an American accent, there’s a tendency to create a caricature of the accent because you just exaggerate the pieces that stand out to you  (Tendency Quotes) When Reagan was elected, I felt that the Agency had gone much more into the service of a political tendency in the country with which I had already felt very strong disagreement  (Tendency Quotes)
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