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Tennis Coaches Quotes

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Even if I play backgammon with my coach, I hate to lose. I won’t talk to him for, like, an hour. So imagine how it feels when you lose at tennis. That makes me determined not to lose because I hate it so much. Even at a set down and match point, I always believe I can come back  (Tennis Coaches Quotes) I love to promote our sport. I love grass-roots tennis. I love coaching. I love all parts of the sport. I love the business side  (Tennis Coaches Quotes) Tennis is not like other sports where the coach is hired by an independent entity, and that makes a huge difference in the dynamic  (Tennis Coaches Quotes) My dad said if you become a tennis professional just make sure you get into the top hundred, because you have to make a little bit of money. You make a living so you can pay your coaching and, you know, your travels  (Tennis Coaches Quotes)