Ter Quotes

Text Quotes
Stop holding things in. Share with God and reach out to your brothers and sisters in Christ (Ter Quotes)
I was not always heartless, but after you broke my heart I started using my heart less (Ter Quotes)
Time makes fools of us all. Our only comfort is that greater shall come after us (Ter Quotes)
People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness (Ter Quotes)
Life can get hard and things can go wrong, but no matter what, you've got to stay strong (Ter Quotes)
When scientists do discover the center of the universe don't be disappointed that it's not you (Ter Quotes)
Promises mean everything, but after they're broken, sorry means nothing (Ter Quotes)
I know the feelings have disappeared, because the butterflies are no longer there (Ter Quotes)
Obstacles are put in your way to help you determine if what you want is really worth fighting for (Ter Quotes)
I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it (Ter Quotes)
Don't be afraid of goodbye. You may lose something good. But you may also gain something better (Ter Quotes)
Sometimes there is a greater lack of communication in facile talking than in silence (Ter Quotes)
I don't need the threat of an impending natural disaster to stock up on liquor (Ter Quotes)
A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is (Ter Quotes)
It's a recipe for disaster when your country has an obesity epidemic and a skinny jean fad (Ter Quotes)
Stop allowing your own insecurities to color the way you interpret someone else's intention (Ter Quotes)
It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it (Ter Quotes)
I got a lovely check today from being a writer that I earned by sitting at home. That's rewarding (Ter Quotes)
Refuse to fight small battles with petty people. You life is bigger and better than that (Ter Quotes)
Don't say it unless you mean it. And if you mean it, you better be ready to prove it (Ter Quotes)
Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems (Ter Quotes)
As the mother of two daughters, I have great respect for women. And I don't ever want to lose that (Ter Quotes)
It's a terribly hard job to spend a billion dollars and get your money's worth (Ter Quotes)
Never give up on asking for forgiveness from God. Your sins are not greater than God's mercy (Ter Quotes)
No matter how busy a person might be, if they really care they'll always find time for you (Ter Quotes)
It's better to let go and see if they come back, than to hold on and see if they let go (Ter Quotes)
What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy (Ter Quotes)
A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead (Ter Quotes)
Too many people go through life running from something that isn't after them (Ter Quotes)
Wake up stronger than yesterday. Face your fears, and wipe your tears (Ter Quotes)