Terence McKenna Quotes

Text Quotes
How can we know who is the other until we know who is the self (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The mind is the cutting edge of the evolving event system (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Alcoholism isn’t a disease. It’s a failure of self-image (Terence McKenna Quotes)
We are consciousness. We may not always be monkeys (Terence McKenna Quotes)
People are concrescences of ambiguity (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The imagination is a dimension of nonlocal information (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Memory training is great psychedelic training (Terence McKenna Quotes)
It’s the impossible become possible and yet remaining impossible (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The only real experience that counts, is your own (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Our medium is meat, but we are made of information (Terence McKenna Quotes)
[...] thinkers are not a welcome addition to most social situations (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Nature is actually the goal at the end of history (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The most beautiful things in the universe are inside the human mind (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Culture as we’re practicing it is causing a lot of pain (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The message coming back at all of us is: live without closure (Terence McKenna Quotes)
I have a skeptical and cranky side, and I’m forever puzzled why people believe the, seeming to me, dumb things that they choose to believe. (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Don’t diddle the dose. Once you have done your homework, go for it. (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere (Terence McKenna Quotes)
What is needed, is an awakening (Terence McKenna Quotes)
For me, the glory of the human animal is cognitive activity (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Only psychos and shamans create their own reality (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Time will perfect matter (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level? of alienation (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Ideology always paves the way toward atrocity (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The problem is not to find the answer, it’s to face the answer (Terence McKenna Quotes)
The race isn’t to the swift, it’s to the thoughtful (Terence McKenna Quotes)
It’s pretty simple, the ethical life. It’s just demanding (Terence McKenna Quotes)
Half the time you think your thinking you’re actually listening (Terence McKenna Quotes)
We live in condensations of our imagination (Terence McKenna Quotes)
There’s only the integrity of doing and having done (Terence McKenna Quotes)