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Terrific Quotes

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Computer dating? It’s terrific if you’re a computer!  (Terrific Quotes) Just for the record, how I feel right now is very terrific  (Terrific Quotes) Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present  (Terrific Quotes) If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?  (Terrific Quotes) I have an old brain but a terrific memory  (Terrific Quotes) Any seat would be mad not to take him. He’s a terrific chap  (Terrific Quotes) I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life  (Terrific Quotes) I have a terrific pain in the back of my head  (Terrific Quotes) The power of an air force is terrific when there is nothing to oppose it  (Terrific Quotes) I've had two terrific relationships, but both ended in marriage  (Terrific Quotes) It's better to be good than evil, but one achieves goodness at a terrific cost  (Terrific Quotes) I had a terrific idea this morning, but I didn't like it  (Terrific Quotes) Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills  (Terrific Quotes) Hills are terrific for running  (Terrific Quotes) Culture clash is terrific drama  (Terrific Quotes) It’s been a terrific life  (Terrific Quotes) Being a critic is a terrific method for killing your love of art  (Terrific Quotes) To be right is the most terrific personal state that nobody is interested in  (Terrific Quotes) I’m mighty glad that I found you. Have a terrific birthday  (Terrific Quotes) If you become a viral star, that is terrific!  (Terrific Quotes) A terrific game, even on the losing side I could enjoy it  (Terrific Quotes) Mike Tyson was one of the most terrific athletes I’ve ever met  (Terrific Quotes) I’m a terrific mimic, and you can feel my funny bone  (Terrific Quotes) Any work that is really great hovers between terrific and terrible  (Terrific Quotes) I get terrific health care  (Terrific Quotes) Funny the things which civilization has to offer when one misses. Flooring is a lovely thing. Gives one confidence. During my five weeks' occupancy the mud floor stayed wet in spite of great care on my part not to slop the water again. It never did properly dry, because the hut was necessarily dark. No direct sun came in, and the humidity was so terrific that even in direct sunlight nothing ever dried out. Curious to live on a slippery surface. A floor is a very important item  (Terrific Quotes) It would be a terrific innovation if you could get your mind to stretch a little further than the next wisecrack  (Terrific Quotes) Did you ever see the customers in health - food stores? They are pale, skinny people who look half - dead. In a steak house, you see robust, ruddy people. They're dying, of course, but they look terrific  (Terrific Quotes) It's like being a little kid again, parading around in a nightgown tucked into your underpants, believing it looks terrific  (Terrific Quotes) I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception. I asked this girl to sleep with me and she said 'No'  (Terrific Quotes)
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