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Terrific Quotes

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You don’t have to have a terrific voice or know how to read music. The only requirement is that you enjoy singing, fun and fellowship. And, this is a great hobby for fathers and sons to share  (Terrific Quotes) Terrific. Now to win a larceny trial all we have to do is prove how the universe ends  (Terrific Quotes) Oceanography is a terrific career because gradually we seem to be coming around to realize that we had better become as acquainted with the seventy percent of our planet that is covered by water as we are with the dark side of the moon  (Terrific Quotes) The writing is a joy, so seamless you nearly miss the sheer artistry of the style and the terrific, wry humour  (Terrific Quotes) There is an abundance of data available in the digital world and if it’s harnessed effectively and correctly it can provide terrific insights  (Terrific Quotes) A terrific, stimulating book... Ramalingam clearly and engagingly shows how the use of complex adaptive systems thinking can significantly strengthen and enhance the impacts and effectiveness of global foreign aid  (Terrific Quotes) I’ve accepted the fact that because I’m human, I’m terrific in one thing, good at some, mediocre at a bit more, and terrible at others. And if you’re human, you are too. You’ll have to discover the one thing that you are good at and major in it  (Terrific Quotes) There is a terrific apprehension among some people that blacks will take over the sport... It will create problems because their behavior, speech and dress is just a completely different culture  (Terrific Quotes) It seems to me that whether it is recognized or not, there is a terrific frustration which increases in intensity and harmfulness as time goes on, when people are always daydreaming of the kind of place in which they would like to live, yet never making the place where they do live into anything artistically satisfying to them. Always to dream of a cottage by a brook while never doing anything to the stuffy house in the city is to waste creativity in this very basic area, and to hinder future creativity by not allowing it to grow and develop through use  (Terrific Quotes) There have been ups and downs, but it has taught us a lot in life. Going with the team through those ups and downs is a terrific journey  (Terrific Quotes) The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life  (Terrific Quotes) I am caught in a terrific bind of characterologically and rationally needing to think in the most comprehensive terms possible, forming a continuous system of argument with a gradient that runs from concrete to abstract, and unfortunately being caught also in a culture in which hardly anyone seems capable of applying himself to understand such a demanding form of argumentation  (Terrific Quotes) In outstanding classrooms, teachers do more listening than talking, and students do more talking than listening. Terrific teachers often have teeth marks on their tongues  (Terrific Quotes) When you’re the best, and you know you’re the best, and your contemporaries know you’re the best, that’s a terrific edge  (Terrific Quotes) I still find doing portraits a terrific challenge, but even though I’ve done hundreds of them, I’ve never stopped questioning the very nature of portraiture because it deals exclusively with appearances. I’ve never believed people are what they look like and think it’s impossible to really know what people are  (Terrific Quotes) I think you can have a whole terrific, smart career as a second and third banana and work more and have much less risk than the lead guy. But I like being the lead guy  (Terrific Quotes) I think understanding your life as a story is a really terrific way of kind of knowing where you are and knowing who you are  (Terrific Quotes) I mean, I’ve been given a terrific life by the audiences who stuck with me all over the world  (Terrific Quotes) While it may feel natural to devote yourself to your creative work and succumb to feelings of separation and alienation, it nevertheless isn’t a terrific idea in terms of your overall happiness and health  (Terrific Quotes) All those moments spent in concetration will give you a terrific strength and with that strength you will cut aside all illusions  (Terrific Quotes) I think day care is terrific. Kids get to be around other kids, and they’re playing, and they’re teaching each other. When I was in college, my summer job was being a preschool teacher. I loved it, and after that experience, I said I can’t wait to put my kid in day care because I could see how much they loved it  (Terrific Quotes) Madness is terrific I can assure you, and not to be sniffed at; and in its lava I still find most of the things I write about. It shoots out of one everything shaped, final, not in mere driblets, as sanity does  (Terrific Quotes) As an experience, madness is terrific... and in its lava I still find most of the things I write about  (Terrific Quotes) The greatest of mythologies divided its gods into creators, preservers and destroyers. Tidiness obviously belongs to the second category, which mitigates the terrific impact of the other two  (Terrific Quotes) We break off obsession by laughing at ourselves, by learning to be funny, by just seeing the joy in life and by having a terrific love for this world  (Terrific Quotes) You know, old folks can have dreams, too, as well as young folks, and then work toward them. And to have a dream like this come true for me is just a terrific experience  (Terrific Quotes) I’m getting better, happier, and nicer as I grow older, so I would be terrific in a couple of hundred years time  (Terrific Quotes) We have a terrific economy, it’s like a great athlete that’s had a cardiac arrest  (Terrific Quotes) I want our pie to grow all the people, but if some other guy’s pie is growing a little faster, that’s terrific  (Terrific Quotes) You can be as beautiful and charming as you’d like, but if you’re not terrific at acting, it will mean nothing on the screen  (Terrific Quotes)
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