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What most people do is they make terrific films, one in three if you’re very lucky, maybe one in five. So you just have to keep on, you have to get through the bad bits  (Terrific Quotes) This is a terrific outburst. and since it doesn’t have a tail right now, some observers have confused it with a nova. We’ve had at least two reports of a new star  (Terrific Quotes) Coaching will become the model for leaders in the future... I am certain that leadership can be learned and that terrific coaches... facilitate learning  (Terrific Quotes) I love John Irving’s stuff. It’s that marriage of comedy and tragedy. It’s really terrific  (Terrific Quotes) My mother was a terrific force in my life. Wartime - generation woman, hadn’t gone to university but should have done. Was very funny, very verbal, very clever, very witty  (Terrific Quotes) Bruce Sterling is one terrific writer and he’s relatively new, but I don’t know how long he’s been doing it; he probably doesn’t need the publicity anymore  (Terrific Quotes) There’s no secret about my ambition, I do not want to go into the House of Commons. My only real political interest is in London and if one day I’m in a position to run for mayor, then terrific  (Terrific Quotes) The show is like an Edwardian play - emotional life gets stepped on for the sake of accepted manners, and that’s terrific for actors to play in  (Terrific Quotes) I’m not sure Americans are hesitant to do this again - to fight another war, because it looked to them like a courageous and terrific endeavor  (Terrific Quotes) It was also wonderful to have the prospect of playing with Jack Nicholson. It was a terrific part, a terrific script, with Alexander Payne and Jack Nicholson. You can’t get any better than that!  (Terrific Quotes) The most colorful section of a bookstore is the display of SF books, with art by people like Wayne Barlow, who is a terrific artist  (Terrific Quotes) I think A Midsummer Night’s Dream would be terrific because of the transformations that occur. Or the Tempest, things like that. Extraordinary larger than life or supernatural element  (Terrific Quotes) Then on to all the terrific american songwriters, from Tin Pan Alley to the Beatles, from Bob Dylan to Paul Simon. Whoever wrote and sang in the song form I have appreciated  (Terrific Quotes) The Vores Third Quartet is a terrific piece that brings disparate components into harmony. . . it’s celebratory, imaginative, touching, and fun  (Terrific Quotes) Where do the really best laughs come from? Terrific connections made intellectually, or terrific revelations made emotionally  (Terrific Quotes) My dad, Frank Addison Albini, was a terrific shot with a rifle and had generally excellent hunting skills. While my dad loved hunting and fishing, he didn’t romanticize them. He was filling the freezer, not intellectualizing some caveman impulse or proving his worth as a real man  (Terrific Quotes) For ‘So Cold the River,’ I’m actually working on adapting the book with Scott Silver, who was just nominated for an Oscar for ‘The Fighter,’ and who also wrote 8 Mile,’ which I think is a terrific screenplay. The chance to work with Scott is a tremendous pleasure and I’m learning a lot  (Terrific Quotes) One of our jobs is to keep women working, which we do by keeping women coming to the movies. And doing that means making good, smart, often funny movies that women can identify with-with terrific dialogue we all remember and cherish, and stories that illuminate our lives and decisions and turning points  (Terrific Quotes) Interference is a terrific page-turner, but it’s also a haunting, powerful look at the way families and friendships entangle us all. Berry is a sharp-eyed, engaging writer, and she deftly captures the terrors, ruptures and intimacies of one seemingly ordinary neighborhood, always finding a precarious beauty in her characters’ lives. This is a book that is terrifying, startling, and very hard to put down  (Terrific Quotes) Tides is a rich, taut, suspenseful, and funny exploration of two worlds, selkie and human. It’s full of mystery but it’s also so fully imagined that a reader can jump right in. Betsy Cornwell is a terrific new talent with a boundless imagination  (Terrific Quotes) Julie Orringer is the real thing, a breathtaking chronicler of the secrets and cruelties underneath the surface of middle-class American life. These are terrific stories-wise, compassionate and haunting  (Terrific Quotes) I think people are looking for a president who has views and who sticks to those views. So, I think Governor Romney, Governor Perry, Governor Huntsman are all terrific candidates. I think we got a chance to elect a real, executive leader  (Terrific Quotes) As for [Amiri] Baraka, he and I have disagreements. I mean, he becomes a demagogue when there’s an audience. He’s a nice guy in private. I mean I like the guy; he’s a terrific writer. I’ve published two of his books. Baraka is one of these fundamentalists who is prone to idol worship  (Terrific Quotes) Look, again, I’m competing against professional politicians, senators, top of the line. I know Ben Carson is still in, and he’s a terrific guy and a talented guy. And so I’m competing against a lot of very good people  (Terrific Quotes) During the decades after Brown v. Board of Education there was terrific progress. Tens of thousands of public schools were integrated racially. During that time the gap between black and white achievement narrowed  (Terrific Quotes) I was a terrific liar as a child, and I believe my lies. So it’s a natural step into acting  (Terrific Quotes) Backstage life is terrific training for an actor, seeing shows from the wings  (Terrific Quotes) Unfortunately for critics and audiences alike, I have made several films, and some films with really terrific actors. And I say this at my own peril, but Marion Cotillard is the best actor I’ve ever worked with.  (Terrific Quotes) [Scott Derrickson] is terrific, really sharp on the details, and he’s not afraid to go to dark places.  (Terrific Quotes) Hot air balloons are terrific to shoot from, although they have become very expensive, as has most lodging and food in the Napa Valley.  (Terrific Quotes)
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