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Territory Quotes

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Something like ‘Sex And The City’ was insulting - women all clawing on to their youth when there’s such ripe territory in honestly exploring women’s lives as they get older.  (Territory Quotes) Sunday afternoons at a parish center - or a community center - is familiar territory for me  (Territory Quotes) The notion of getting under the hood and explaining how something works, that’s fairly familiar territory to me.  (Territory Quotes) If you read a story with an ‘I’ or a ‘he’ or a ‘she,’ you’re in familiar territory - but ‘we’ is mostly unexplored. I think of ‘we’ as an adventure.  (Territory Quotes) If you find yourself as a person in unfamiliar territory, you will grasp on to what is already familiar.  (Territory Quotes) TV is all about speed. TV is fast and furious. It’s gunslinger territory.  (Territory Quotes) With snow came the kites, once the rulers of Kabul’s winter skies, now timid trespassers in territory claimed by streaking rockets and fighter jets.  (Territory Quotes) ISIS controls a territory roughly the size of Maryland where 8 million people live. If it’s attacked and toppled, who will fill the void?  (Territory Quotes) I am always concerned with ideas of territory and movement. Indeed, my first book after Bunker Archeology was entitled L’insecurite du territoire (1976).  (Territory Quotes) We provoke a shark every time we enter the water where sharks happen to be, for we forget: The ocean is not our territory - it’s theirs.  (Territory Quotes) The more freedom I allow myself as a writer to wander, become lost and go into uncertain territory - and I am always trying to go to the more awkward place, the more difficult place - the more frightening it is, because I have no plan.  (Territory Quotes) To be willing to live within the imagination is to commit oneself to the gathering together of the pieces that might begin to form a self. To avoid this territory is to avoid the encounters that might validate, inform, or enhance one’s experience.  (Territory Quotes) I have much confidence that we shall proceed successfully for ages to come. My hope of its duration is built much on the enlargement of the resources of life going hand in hand with the enlargement of territory.  (Territory Quotes) The brain is a world consisting of a number of unexplored continents and great stretches of unknown territory.  (Territory Quotes) When you allow enemies to live and grow within your territory, you have positioned yourself to be killed when you never thought such can be your portion.  (Territory Quotes) Sometimes it’s the mistakes that end up leading you into new territory .. like the guitar solo on ‘Peelin’ Taters’ - I had some speaker problems, but the tone ended up sounding better than if I had new speakers .. it’s a 60’s Nashville, ‘uptown’ thing  (Territory Quotes) When you’re a dreamer, heart break and failure come with the territory, but I can tell you it’s worth it, because it’s a way of living that is both moving and memorable.  (Territory Quotes) I was influenced by autobiographical writers like Henry Miller, and I had actually done some autobiographical prose. But I just thought that comics were like virgin territory. There was so much to be done. It excited me. I couldn’t draw very well. I could write scripts and storyboard style using stick figures and balloons and captions.  (Territory Quotes) It’s funny to think about the uncanny reflexively, as an author who is perhaps gradually becoming aware of my own hidden secrets. Accessing that shadowy territory really requires the physical act of writing.  (Territory Quotes)
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