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Territory Quotes

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When I stay focused and honest about who I am and the image that I hope to portray, then I won’t find myself stranded in unfamiliar territory chasing money or popularity. If the work that you do is quality, then you’ll be rewarded. It’s also good to stretch musically within the realm of your ability, but not if it compromises your integrity  (Territory Quotes) How apostles are received is a key measuring stick as to how the Lord will release blessings or judgements on a territory. Apostles also have authority over the demonic rulers of a region. They have the ability to demonstrate supernatural power that draws a whole region to our life-giving God  (Territory Quotes) We do not keep security establishments merely to defend property or territory or rights abroad or at sea. We keep the security forces to defend a way of life  (Territory Quotes) There’s a big difference to me between the people who are famous and just accept the fact that it comes with the territory of what they do, and the people who actively seek it out, who intentionally put themselves in the position of being on camera and being famous  (Territory Quotes) Haven’t we put off problems without clarifying Japan’s will to protect the lives and assets of its people and territory with its own hands, and merely accepted the benefits of economic prosperity?  (Territory Quotes) As artists, you always want to push yourself. There’s always new territory.  (Territory Quotes) In fact, it is amazing how much European films - Italian, French, German and English - have recovered a certain territory of the audience in their countries over the last few years.  (Territory Quotes) In an instant, the law was transformed: from the last passenger on the safe-haven bandwagon to a pioneer into uncharted territory. For the first time in American history, it was not only legal to relinquish a baby; in Nebraska, it was okay to abandon any child of any age for any reason at any time - with the full protection of the law.  (Territory Quotes) The music industry over there seems to treat America like it’s one territory even though they got offices in different parts of America - they’re still quite sort of ‘America is the territory.’  (Territory Quotes) Creating any type of art is all about mood. I’ve been making extreme music in one fashion or another for decades. And truthfully, Down has a big enough fan base to where I could remain content to do only that, but music is a vast territory and I am an explorer. And I’m a lover of all things considered extreme in music.  (Territory Quotes) The problem with architecture is it goes with the territory, because it’s an applied art and because you’re messing about with people and their environment.  (Territory Quotes) What the art world has done, it has been constantly been pushing the boundaries about what art can be. It’s like expanding its territory.  (Territory Quotes) It’s funny - when I started acting, I didn’t know I was going to be talking about Asian-American issues so much. You know what, though? It just comes with the territory, being ethnic.  (Territory Quotes) When asked what he was fighting for, General Washington, in writing to General Thomas, said the object was ‘neither glory nor extent of territory, but a defense of all that is dear and valuable in life.’ He must have been an umpire. That’s what umpiring is about.  (Territory Quotes) There’s time limits on how long people’s attention spans will work. There’s six weeks in each territory that you’re really famous, then you, thank God, disappear again.  (Territory Quotes) Some of the most radical work is being done in the most commercially pop venues, and some of the most boring work is being done in avant-garde territory.  (Territory Quotes) You’ll never be disappointed if you always keep an eye on uncharted territory, where you’ll be challenged and growing and having fun.  (Territory Quotes) One has to be realistic. One’s concern for equity and justice in the world must not carry one into the alien territory of unreasoned belief. That’s very important.  (Territory Quotes) Just before I play, I like to feel that no-one has ever played the piano before, that I’m in complete virgin territory, and that every note I play is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.  (Territory Quotes) We do not covet one inch of Lebanese territory, and the basis for the peace treaty between our two countries will be the international border, which exists now, between Rosh Haniqra and Ras en Naqura.  (Territory Quotes) I think at the beginning of one’s writing life, negative reviews are what one does to get attention and stake out your territory. It’s also often a mistake.  (Territory Quotes) Friends’ played in this territory of being funny, and then also just grabbing your heart. And not afraid of that. It was a comedic soap opera. Not being afraid to have an audience feel something, laugh and cry, was quite extraordinary and quite wonderful.  (Territory Quotes) Any creative process is about being in a territory which isn’t secure, isn’t necessarily familiar, and isn’t convenient in any sort of way. And that’s the excitement of it.  (Territory Quotes) In the early days of the Indian Territory, there were no such things as birth certificates. You being there was certificate enough.  (Territory Quotes) It’s not weird being recognised, but it’s weird having to stop what you’re doing to take pictures or sign something. But the fans are the reason you have your success, so it comes with the territory.  (Territory Quotes) I’ve always taught that a poor economy is the best opportunity for salespeople because the naysayers and grumblers have already given up, leaving more territory, more opportunities to be successful than in a good economy when virtually all salespeople are out there, giving it their best.  (Territory Quotes) LeBron James is the best player, hands down. He is easily moving into the territory of one of the best players of all time and may end up being the best player of all time.  (Territory Quotes) I’m fascinated by musicians who don’t completely understand their territory; that’s when you do your best work.  (Territory Quotes) I believe that the black-and-white photograph, or rather the gray zones in the black-and-white photograph, stand for this territory that is located between life and death.  (Territory Quotes) I learned a long time ago, if you want to keep your friends in show business, don’t get famous. Because as soon as you get famous, a lot of the people you used to know, who didn’t, become incredibly bitter and jealous. It’s part of the territory.  (Territory Quotes)
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