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Territory Quotes

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In 2010, aside from that niche of music that I have no interest in - Black Eyed Peas territory, disposable pop stuff - there’s almost an incentive to go back to making music as adventurous and groundbreaking as you can, because nobody gets a big hit anymore.  (Territory Quotes) I’m interested in so many different things and I’d like to cover a lot of territory. I’m trying to see my show as the Sunday ‘Times.’ You have the Arts and Leisure section, you have the Op-Ed page, you have the Book Review... even the Style section has those wonderful essays about relationships.  (Territory Quotes) My brothers and I grew up on stories about our grandfather building one-room schoolhouses and about our grandparents’ courtship and their early lives together in Indian Territory.  (Territory Quotes) You can’t win. Logic has no power over her when her territory has been invaded by heathens.  (Territory Quotes) Entrepreneurs adopt the ways of the adept and adapt to a changing environment. Actually, entrepreneurs are more enterpreneurs, because they are forever entering into new territory.  (Territory Quotes) China, with her five thousand years of history, her vast territory and her enormous population stands like a mountain peak among the nations of the world. Her contribution to the civilization of mankind is imperishable. She has been a keen lover of peace; she has had a deep respect for international justice.  (Territory Quotes) No matter how civilized we are and how much society has curbed violent behavior. Human beings still have the same genes they had 10,000 years ago. Our bodies are designed to have a certain amount of physical stress and violence in them. We’re designed to run from jaguars and fight to defend our territory.  (Territory Quotes) If someone comes to me, any community in the Northern Territory, with a viable economic future, and says, ‘We want to be part of a bold new approach,’ I’ll put them down as a major project, and I’ll do everything I can to help them out.  (Territory Quotes) You work with the communities to make films. And you just don’t go in and take over their territory.  (Territory Quotes) There is no breach of European rules committed by companies from Romania or on Romanian territory  (Territory Quotes) The paradox is that, by children taking shortcuts through computer games, through fantasies, through movies that load on all the emotional stimulation of encountering life in a stylized way - all of this is the equivalent of mainlining of paleolithic emotions, emotions about combat, about personal success, about overcoming monsters, about making powerful friendships, about winning wars and entering new territory.  (Territory Quotes) Dachau-the significance of this name will never be erased from German history. It stands for all concentration camps which the Nazis established in their territory.  (Territory Quotes) Reference to the territory and total disregard for the nationality of the companies is of course the best guarantee that competition assessment remain just that and doesn’t get affected by trade or other considerations.  (Territory Quotes) I suppose while we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil; and while he has left us, others are coming into the world at the same time, and probably in this our territory. There is a continuous change, an ingress of beings into the world and an egress out of it.  (Territory Quotes) I believe in any country, matters that relate to its territory would, of course, provoke strong sentiments amongst the people of that country.  (Territory Quotes) Death Valley is really wide-open - it’s bigger than Rhode Island - and it’s less a part of California than an ungoverned territory, so there’s lots of weird cops-and-robbers stuff going on.  (Territory Quotes) If you’re going to succeed, then you just have to be thick-skinned. It’s something I developed early in my career, and it just goes with the territory.  (Territory Quotes) I get bored doing one thing only. I’ve been very lucky to explore a lot of different artistic territory and I don’t see why I won’t continue on that path.  (Territory Quotes) Give immediate instruction to all your posts in said territory, under your direction, at no time and on no pretence to hoist, or suffer be hoisted, the English flag.  (Territory Quotes) Every state has an undoubted right to determine the status, or domestic and social condition, of the persons domiciled within its territory except insofar as the powers of the states in this respect are restrained, or duties and obligations imposed upon them, by the Constitution of the United States.  (Territory Quotes) In the past, on Earth, it has largely been to exploit foreign resources and to expand the domestic territory.  (Territory Quotes) Love’s easy. It kind of comes with the territory. But liking is another story.  (Territory Quotes) I don’t think I’m an intentional liar, but I’m a little bit of an exaggerator sometimes. If I’m exaggerating, and the journalist exaggerates on top of that, then we end up in funny territory.  (Territory Quotes) With any other movie, you’re entering new territory, so it’s quite different to be involved in something where it’s the same characters, and the same people.  (Territory Quotes) I’d say I’m a true conservative. Liberals have got a monopoly on protecting the environment, or all the cool technology, and I don’t think we should cede that territory.  (Territory Quotes) Other powers will continue to enjoy an equal right to trade in and develop the natural resources of the occupied territory, for the economic development of which the investment of foreign capital is very desirable.  (Territory Quotes) The Crimea is not a disputed territory. Unlike the case of Georgia and South Ossetia, there has been no ethnic conflict there.  (Territory Quotes) I don’t come from a famous family and don’t have this detachment from everyday people and everyday life. I’m just doing my job and the attention that comes with it is part of the territory.  (Territory Quotes) Satan delegates high-ranking members of the hierarchy of evil spirits to control nations, regions, cities, tribes, people groups, neighborhoods and other significant social networks of human beings throughout the world. Their major assignment is to prevent God from being glorified in their territory, which they do through directing the activity of lower-ranking demons.  (Territory Quotes) I’m not very interested in charting a day-to-day familiar reality. I’m always looking for territory in which to explore the BIG subjects, the life-or-death stories.  (Territory Quotes)
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