Terror Quotes

Text Quotes
The ignorant frighten children with ghosts, and the better educated assure them there is no such thing. Our understanding may believe the latter, but our instincts believe the former; so that, out of this education, we retain the terror, and just believe enough to make it very troublesome whenever we are placed in circumstances that awaken it (Terror Quotes)
We falter from childhood amidst shames and fears, we move in closed spaces where stale tradition enervates, we grow hysterical over success and failure, and so by surrounding instinct with terror, we prepare the soul for weakness (Terror Quotes)
When the imagination is continually led to the brink of vice by a system of terror and denunciations, people fling themselves over the precipice from the mere dread of falling (Terror Quotes)
Laughter is equally the expression of extreme anguish and horror as of joy: as there are tears of sorrow and tears of joy, so is there a laugh of terror and a laugh of merriment (Terror Quotes)
Iran wants the money. And I don’t believe they want it for roads or hospitals or schools, I believe they want it for more terror (Terror Quotes)
When irrational terror takes to itself the fiat of moral goodness somebody has to die.... No man lives who has not got a panic button, and when it is pressed by the clean white hand of moral duty, a certain murderous train is set in motion (Terror Quotes)
Death, a cause of terror to the sinner, is a blessed moment for him who has walked in the right path (Terror Quotes)
We live in a time of terror, and contrary to what we see on television and allow ourselves to believe, the real goal of terror is not to kill people but to kill thought; to so demoralize a society that it implodes from within (Terror Quotes)
If you admire yourself in the mirror, let it be in fear and not delight, because the only thing that beauty will bring to you is terror of losing it (Terror Quotes)
I was set down from the carrier’s cart at the age of three; and there with a sense of bewilderment and terror my life in the village began (Terror Quotes)
Ecstasy is not simply joy. Ecstasy is an emotion of great complexity that hovers almost on the edge of terror sometimes (Terror Quotes)
There’s no better way to learn something than to learn it in front of an audience. Your terror drives you (Terror Quotes)
A legitimate democracy cannot act against a terror organization because it is using civilians as a human shield, and therefore it should absorb attacks on its own civilians (Terror Quotes)
Fear is the most easily taught of all lessons, and the fight against terror, real or imagined, is perhaps the history of man’s mind (Terror Quotes)
Freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together: And it is the terror of traitors and oppressors, and a barrier against them. It produces excellent writers, and encourages men of fine genius (Terror Quotes)
No matter how hidden the cruelty, no matter how far off the screams of pain and terror, we live in one world. We are one people (Terror Quotes)
A person could spend most of a lifetime in retrospective terror, thinking of all the things one nearly didn’t do (Terror Quotes)
Once a month I wake in the night, slippery with terror. I’m afraid, not because there’s someone in the room, in the dark, in the bed, but because there isn’t. I’m afraid of the emptiness, which lies beside me like a corpse (Terror Quotes)
Writing has often been accompanied by terror, silences, and then wild bursts of private laughter that suddenly make all the dread seem worthwhile (Terror Quotes)
Some out of their own virtue make a God who sometimes later is a nuisance to them, a terror perhaps to them, a difficult thing to be forgetting (Terror Quotes)
Here lies the real terror in the international war of ideologies; that a city knows not whom it entertains (Terror Quotes)
Autumn days have a holiness that spring lacks... They are like old serene saints for whom death has lost its terror (Terror Quotes)
The climax of terror is reached when the police state begins to devour its own children, when yesterday’s executioner becomes today’s victim (Terror Quotes)
Every writer knows the terror of an unexpected success. How to carry on? How to repeat it? (Terror Quotes)
Terror of being found out is not always a preservative, it sometimes hurries on the act which it ought to prevent (Terror Quotes)
Sometimes my poetry is an attempt to keep off existential terror; sometimes it is a grappling with philosophical problems; sometimes just fun (Terror Quotes)
The walls of the closet are guarded by the dogs of terror, and the inside of the closet is a house of mirrors (Terror Quotes)
The past... is a dim avenue down which we may walk and find the diverging paths of terror and beauty and passion (Terror Quotes)
Men who use terrorism as a means to power, rule by terror once they are in power (Terror Quotes)
Once you allow anyone to terrorize you, you will be terrorized all your life. Terror corrupts. Pretty soon you’ll be terrorizing others.... Life doesn’t mean anything if you can’t rid yourself of fear (Terror Quotes)