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Tess Quotes

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Bye, Tess. haunt me if you like. I don’t mind  (Tess Quotes) Bye, Tess. haunt me if you like. I don’t mind.  (Tess Quotes) Tess was my first experience of a woman who had inhabited her weirdness, moved into the areas of herself that made her distinct from those around her, and learned how to display them proudly  (Tess Quotes) Aside from John Grisham, there isn’t really anybody besides Tess that I’ve truly gotten into. But, I do like them. When I have more time to read, I will absolutely look for some more authors. It’s just about finding a world and a character that you’re intrigued by  (Tess Quotes) As a bookish child in Calcutta, I used to thrill to the adventures of bad girls whose pursuit of happiness swept them outside the bounds of social decency. Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Emma Bovary and Anna Karenina lived large in my imagination. The naughty girls of Hollywood films flirted and knew how to drive.  (Tess Quotes) Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles is a novel that I have read over and over and over again. Tess is a pure child who has an inner glow none of the others in the book possess. They reject her because she is different, and they try in every possible manner to destroy her, because they are jealous. It is an extraordinary love story.  (Tess Quotes)