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The Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana does not give anyone the right to deny services to anyone in this state. It is simply a balancing test used by our federal courts and jurisdictions across the country for more than two decades  (Test Quotes) Endurance is a much better test of character than any single act of heroism, however noble  (Test Quotes) I have always been down to test what I can do and push the limits of my acting. I have always wanted to try new genres and stuff - but I love comedy. I grew up on comedy, and I love having a good time and making people laugh. But it is also really nice to switch it around and make people think and feel some darker emotions  (Test Quotes) The truest test of independent judgment is being able to dislike someone who admires us, and to admire someone who dislikes us.  (Test Quotes) Narendra Modi is a bubble. After elevation in his party, his first test was the Karnataka election. He failed miserably in that.  (Test Quotes) Two months after I got out of test pilot school, I saw an advert that said NASA was recruiting more astronauts. The best job you could have as a test pilot was being an astronaut, so I volunteered.  (Test Quotes) As a revelation from God, they have stood the test of many ages; and as such maintained their ground against every species of enemy, and every mode of attack. Truth is mighty, and must prevail.  (Test Quotes) The young knowledge worker whose job is too small to challenge and test his abilities either leaves or declines rapidly into premature middle age, soured, cynical, unproductive.  (Test Quotes) Babies are born bow-legged in South Dakota. By the age of 12, they can purchase guns. At 14, they can take their driving test. Fortunately, since the geographical area of South Dakota can accommodate both France and Germany, but has a population of only 750,000, the chances of hitting anything are pretty slim.  (Test Quotes) It was a unique childhood, to say the least. My father was born in Patiala to refugee parents and was a part of the Indian Air Force. The talented few amongst the Air Force pilots are made test pilots. Test pilots are best suited to look at the space programme as they are trained to expect the unexpected.  (Test Quotes) I can still remember them wheeling the black and white TV sets into our classroom at school so we could watch the men landing on the Moon, and that obviously had a huge impact. I later found out those people flying Apollo were ex-military test pilots, so I decided to join the Air Force and become a test pilot.  (Test Quotes) What we want in students is creativity and a willingness to fail. I always say to students, ‘If you’ve never at some point stayed up all night talking to your new boyfriend about the meaning of life instead of preparing for the test, then you’re not really an intellectual.’  (Test Quotes) Having kids has proven to be this amazing - for me, this amazing source of ideas of anecdotes, of examples, I can test my own kids without human subject permission, so they pilot - I pilot my ideas on them. And so it is a tremendous advantage to have kids if you’re going to be a developmental psychologist.  (Test Quotes) I have goals and ambitions, and I see myself as a lifelong baseball student. I have certain philosophies that I’d like to test at some point at the big league level. The job of manager appeals to me, a coach appeals to me, at a different time frame.  (Test Quotes) A lot of filmmakers hate testing movies. I love it because it’s an audience medium. The biggest problem has been the prevalence of all these Internet sites. It’s almost impossible to have a test screening without it leaking out on the Internet.  (Test Quotes) For the ancient Greeks, the ultimate test of the educational system was the moral and political quality of the students that it produced  (Test Quotes) Experiments with animals have long been handicapped by our anthropocentric attitude: We often test them in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species.  (Test Quotes) Perhaps measuring animal intelligence by comparing it to human intelligence isn’t the best litmus test.  (Test Quotes) Whenever someone says zygotes are babies, I reply: ‘Imagine a thousand zygotes in test tubes in one room, and three toddlers in another. A fire breaks out, and you only have time to get to one room. Which would you save from burning - the zygotes or the children?’  (Test Quotes) My aim is to play Test matches. For me, there is a different feel of Test cricket as it tests your character. You come to know about your mental toughness, and most importantly, there is another level of satisfaction as a player.  (Test Quotes) Last night, I had that dream again. I dreamt I had to take a test, in a Dairy Queen, on another planet.  (Test Quotes) Given the level of anti-Americanism in the world, given the level of frustration with the United States throughout the Muslim world, you’ve got a homegrown attack or you have a nuclear explosion in the air that is not a test somewhere. Those are still the biggest threats out there.  (Test Quotes) I had a guidance counsellor who made me take an aptitude test, and told me I should be a bricklayer.  (Test Quotes) The best simpleminded test of expertise in a particular area is an ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area.  (Test Quotes) The final test of a work of art is not whether it has beauty, but whether it has power  (Test Quotes) In addition to giving comfort and joy, art also has the miraculous ability to let us live in other men’s skins, to test our perceptions and beliefs against theirs, and perhaps to be changed as a result. It does this by portraying the world creatively, heightening our perception and enriching our understanding of things as they are.  (Test Quotes) There are plenty of writers, past and present, from Shakespeare to Henry James to Lydia Davis, who test the limits of coherence and put pressure on current notions of accessible (and acceptable) narrative methods. To thrive and change and grow, any art needs this kind of pressure.  (Test Quotes) The 20th century was a test bed for big ideas - fascism, communism, the atomic bomb  (Test Quotes) People test movies within an inch of their life so that the entire audience experience is a uniform one.  (Test Quotes) It’s a song that we sing after we win a Test match. We sing it after every one-day series win. It’s been passed down through the generations. It’s the culture of the Australian team.  (Test Quotes)
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