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Testify Quotes

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Asked for a testimony to the effect that Emmy Noether was a great woman mathematician, he said: I can testify that she is a great mathematician, but that she is a woman, I cannot swear.  (Testify Quotes) The hollowness of our worship, and that servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify that we, in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all  (Testify Quotes) Once we are fed, heated, housed and healthy, our extra consumption inevitably has an element of luxury about it. And once luxury enters the scene, the practicalities are in trouble, as women who wear expensive stiletto heels can testify  (Testify Quotes) For the works that the Father has given me to finish - the very works that I am doing - testify that the Father has sent me  (Testify Quotes) Sir, he made a chimney in my father's house, and the bricks are alive at this day to testify it  (Testify Quotes) A witness, in the sense that I am using the word, is a man whose life and faith are so completely one that when the challenge comes to step out and testify for his faith, he does so, disregarding all risks, accepting all consequences  (Testify Quotes) To take a photograph is to participate in another person's mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt  (Testify Quotes) When you call me close to tell me your body is not beautiful I want to summon the eyes and hidden mouths of stone and light and water to testify against you  (Testify Quotes) I am Conservative to the core of my being, as those who know me best will testify  (Testify Quotes) Poverty is uncomfortable, as I can testify; but nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim for himself  (Testify Quotes) I answered their questions truthfully and honestly, but I would prefer not to say more. I assume the information was routed back and that is why I was not called to testify  (Testify Quotes) The sexual parts are not only vivid examples of the body’s dominion; they are also apertures whose damp emissions and ammoniac smells testify to the mysterious putrefaction of the body  (Testify Quotes) The protestant martyrs and their monuments testify to the fact that they died, not on account of ecclesial differences, but because the issue was the way of salvation  (Testify Quotes) Only the subject’s individual consciousness can testify for the unwitnessed acts, and there is no act more deprived of external testimony than the act of knowing  (Testify Quotes) The world in which we live is the only world about which our senses can testify  (Testify Quotes) The mere summoning of a witness and compelling him to testify against his will, about his beliefs, expressions or associations, is a measure of governmental interference. And when those forced revelations concern maters that are unorthodox, unpopular, or even hateful to the general public, the reactions in the life of the witness may be disastrous  (Testify Quotes) When I testify, I’ll testify. I don’t need to sit around chewing my fingernails  (Testify Quotes) All testify to the coercion and sacrifice which culture imposes on man. To rely on them and deny the decline is to become even more firmly caught in its fatal coils  (Testify Quotes) How often our involuntary facial motions testify to the thoughts we were keeping secret, and betray us to those around!  (Testify Quotes) The gifts of lovers to one another are, in respect to love, nothing but forms; yet, they testify to invisible love  (Testify Quotes) ... when a wife wouldn’t testify, little punishment was meted out. Alex came to understand that only those who pressed charges ever became truly free, because the life they were leading was a prison, even if most of them wouldn’t admit it  (Testify Quotes) And sometimes you held somebody’s hand just to prove that you were still alive, and that another human being was there to testify to that fact  (Testify Quotes) Working moms commonly testify that they feel guilty when they are away from their children and guilty when they are not at their jobs. Devoted fathers certainly miss their children deeply, but it does not seem to be with the same gnawing, primal anxiety that often afflicts women  (Testify Quotes) For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time  (Testify Quotes) In fact, if you have a crime committed against you, and you go to have hypnosis, you can’t testify. Because there’s no way to test what is real, what’s fact, what’s fantasy  (Testify Quotes) Salvation cannot come without revelation. Men of the present time testify of heaven and hell, and have never seen either; and I will say that no man knows these things without this  (Testify Quotes) A man like that thinks that fear can win loyalty. Plenty of masters with a lash who can testify it works. Don’t win loyalty, just obedience, and only while the lash is in the room  (Testify Quotes) When citizens testify before grand juries they are required to tell the truth. Without the truth, our criminal justice system cannot serve our nation or its citizens  (Testify Quotes) A thousand touching traits testify to the sacred power of the love which a righteous war awakes in noble nations  (Testify Quotes)
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