Text Quotes

Text Quotes
No one can know truth except the one who obeys truth. You think you know truth. People memorize the Scriptures by the yard, but that is not a guarantee of knowing the truth. Truth is not a text. Truth is in the text, but it takes the text plus the Holy Spirit to bring truth to a human soul (Text Quotes)
Thanks to modern technology, we now can deliver every text in every research library to every citizen in our country, and to everyone in the world. If we fail to do so, we are not living up to our civic duty (Text Quotes)
If you’re going to do Shakespeare, do Shakespeare. There’s a reason why he’s been performed for hundreds of years. His words affect people on a very deep level. He’s the true humanist. That all comes through his text, his words (Text Quotes)
My first job in Brazil was actually to develop a way to improve the readability of billboards, and based on speed, angle of approach and actually blocks of text. It was very - actually, it was a very good study, and got me a job in an ad agency. And they also decided that I had to - to give me a very ugly Plexiglas trophy for it (Text Quotes)
I’ve got corporate executives, my bosses... this is true... who will text message me... and say, ‘Hey a, heard you had chemotherapy today, want me to stop by and pick you up something to eat and bring it to you?’ Whose boss does that? My bosses do that (Text Quotes)
When the Internet came along, at first it was just a medium for moving text around - books first, then pictures, finally video. Each time the bandwidth expanded, so did the capabilities of the medium, and each time it happened, the Internet cannibalized preexisting formats. And each time, those formats had to adapt. Or die (Text Quotes)
I guess I haven’t really done anything romantic for anyone. I think my boyfriend is more romantic than I am. I think little things like sending unexpected text messages, or when I’m out of town I send postcards. I think that’s sweet... but probably not very romantic (Text Quotes)
One of the things I really respect about Doug Moo is that he is constantly grappling with the text. Where he hears the text saying something which is not what his tradition would have said, he will go with the text. I won’t always agree with his exegesis, but there is a relentless scholarly honesty about him which I really tip my hat off to (Text Quotes)
These days, children can text on their cell phone all night long, and no one else is seeing that phone. You don’t know who is calling that child. (Text Quotes)
It’s amazing as women how many excuses we make when a guy doesn’t call or text. It’s unbelievable. (Text Quotes)
It is familiar to mainstream academic scholarship. One very prominent political scientist, in his standard text American Politics 20 years ago, observes that The architects of power in the United States must create a force that can be felt but not seen. (Text Quotes)
I am very interested in and that is what Sun Tzu in his ancient Chinese text calls The Art of War (Text Quotes)
About the injunction of the Apostle Paul that women should keep silent in church? Don’t go by one text only. (Text Quotes)
With vocal and choral music, first and foremost, it’s the text. Not only do I need to serve the text, but the text - when I’m doing it right - acts as the perfect ‘blueprint’, and all the architecture is there. The poet has done the heavy lifting, so my job is to find the soul of the poem and then somehow translate that into music. (Text Quotes)
I’m a text artist. It’s an unsung art form because it’s so ahead of its time. (Text Quotes)
But theater, because of its nature, both text, images, multimedia effects, has a wider base of communication with an audience. That’s why I call it the most social of the various art forms. (Text Quotes)
We haven’t lost romance in the digital age, but we may be neglecting it. In doing so, antiquated art forms are taking on new importance. The power of a handwritten letter is greater than ever. It’s personal and deliberate and means more than an e-mail or text ever will. (Text Quotes)
When I’m writing the text for a book like ‘Little White Rabbit,’ I read it aloud, alone, in my studio, again and again and again - because the rhythm has to be exactly right. After I get my manuscript to the point where I think it is perfect, I begin to think about what I want the art to look like. (Text Quotes)
Originally, when I wrote the song ‘The Sensual World’ I had used text from the end of ‘Ulysses.’ When I asked for permission to use the text, I was refused, which was disappointing. (Text Quotes)
When you are in church, it’s always good to carry a pen and notepad to jot down the scripture text, reference scriptures, and sermon notes. When you come prepared with notepad and pen, you are able to feed off the scriptures from the sermon throughout the week, while asking God to open up your understanding for a deeper illumination of the word. (Text Quotes)
Humans impart meaning and purpose to almost all aspects of life. This sense of meaning and purpose gives us a road map for how to live a good life. This guidance emerges spontaneously from the interactions of human beings living in societies and thinking together about how best to get along. It doesn’t require a God or sacred text. (Text Quotes)
I credit Podiobooks and the free audio podcasts for helping me develop the audience I needed when I started selling my books in text forms. (Text Quotes)
There is some argument about who actually invented text messaging, but I think it’s safe to say it was a man. Multiple studies have shown that the average man uses about half as many words per day as women, thus text messaging. It eliminates hellos and goodbyes and cuts right to the chase. (Text Quotes)
Writing an encyclopedia is hard. To do anywhere near a decent job, you have to know a great deal of information about an incredibly wide variety of subjects. Writing so much text is difficult, but doing all the background research seems impossible. (Text Quotes)
What believer sees a disturbing omission or infelicity? The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for whatever we can put into it, and even his bad grammar is sublime. (Text Quotes)
Because Mint has access to all of your bank accounts and credit cards, we can detect fraud or unusual spending patterns faster than your bank, then send an email or text message alert to users. (Text Quotes)
I cried when my ex-girlfriend sent me a text message saying how much she liked my present to her (Text Quotes)
Agency over one’s sexual self - and the articulation of that kind of agency - might seem transgressive to readers who don’t expect it in a woman’s text. (Text Quotes)
If I give a book as a gift, it is invariably a children’s book with beautiful artwork and a simple text. I adore the feel of them, the care taken in the artwork, and the high visual stimulation that sets off the simple but often powerful message the text conveys. (Text Quotes)
People’s behavior will change with technology. I know very few young people who can’t type out a text message on their phone with one thumb, for instance. (Text Quotes)