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That's right, no horse meat in our burgers - barely any meat of any kind actually

That's right, no horse meat in our burgers - barely any meat of any kind actually Picture Quote #1

That's right, no horse meat in our burgers - barely any meat of any kind actually

McDonald's has long been known for its iconic burgers, but in recent years, the fast-food giant has faced scrutiny over the quality and content of its meat. With concerns about the use of horse meat in food products, McDonald's has been quick to reassure customers that their burgers are free from any such controversial ingredients.

In response to the horse meat scandal that rocked the food industry a few years ago, McDonald's made a bold statement by declaring, "That's right, no horse meat in our burgers - barely any meat of any kind actually." This statement was meant to assure customers that the beef used in McDonald's burgers is 100% pure and free from any adulteration.

While some may find the statement humorous or even alarming, it speaks to a larger issue of transparency and trust in the food industry. McDonald's has been working hard to rebuild its reputation and regain the trust of consumers who may have been put off by the horse meat scandal. By being upfront about the content of their burgers, McDonald's is showing that they take food safety and quality seriously.
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