The awkward moment when you still can't understand someone after they've repeated themselves several times

The awkward moment when you still can't understand someone after they've repeated themselves several times
Awkward moments are a part of life that we all experience at one time or another. One particularly cringe-worthy situation is when you are having a conversation with someone and you just can't seem to understand what they are saying, even after they have repeated themselves several times. This can be especially uncomfortable when the person is speaking clearly and you still can't grasp their words.The feeling of awkwardness in this situation can stem from a variety of factors. Perhaps the person is speaking in a dialect or accent that is unfamiliar to you, making it difficult to decipher their words. Or maybe they are using technical jargon or industry-specific language that is outside of your realm of expertise. In either case, the frustration of not being able to understand can lead to feelings of embarrassment and self-consciousness.