The Best Quotes

Text Quotes
Well, the problem is, it’s not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because I’m pretty much one of the best people I know (The Best Quotes)
Children are the proof we’ve been here... they’re where we go to when we die. They’re the best thing and the most impossible thing, but there’s nothing else... Life is a riddle and they are the answer. If there’s any answer, it has to be them (The Best Quotes)
People say that time is a great healer. Which people? What are they talking about? I think some feelings you experience in your life are written in indelible ink and the best you can hope for is that they fade a little over the years (The Best Quotes)
For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again (The Best Quotes)
The best existential analysis of the human condition leads directly into the problems of God and faith (The Best Quotes)
That is one thing I am sure of amid my many uncertainties regarding the literary vocation: deep inside, a writer feels that writing is the best thing that ever happened to him, or could ever happen to him, because as far as he is concerned, writing is the best possible way of life, never mind the social, political, or financial rewards of what he might achieve through it (The Best Quotes)
Listen carefully to me. Despite popular belief to the contrary, there is absolutely no power in intention... There is no difference in the person who intends to do things differently and the one who never thinks about it in the first place. Have you ever considered how often we judge ourselves by out intentions while we judge others by their actions? Yet intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you (The Best Quotes)
I swear, you are the only person I know who makes decisions based on what will provide the best material for a diary (The Best Quotes)
I believe good plans are the best way to maximize fun, avoid disaster, and possibly, save the world. I spend a lot of my time making them (The Best Quotes)
Unless we are willing to escape into sentimentality or fantasy, often the best we can do with catastrophes, even our own, is to find out exactly what happened and restore some of the missing parts (The Best Quotes)
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. Hope is one of those things that you can’t buy, but that will be freely given to you if you ask. Hope is the one thing people cannot live without. Hope is a thing of beauty (The Best Quotes)
If you lust after someone and have an absurd and overwhelming need to protect them, then the best way to deal with the situation is to marry the person (The Best Quotes)
Whatever may have been said of the satiety of pleasure and of the disgust which usually follows passion, any man who has anything of a heart and who is not wretchedly and hopelessly blasé feels his love increased by his happiness, and very often the best way to retain a lover ready to leave is to give one’s self up to him without reserve (The Best Quotes)
Meditation did not relieve me of my anxiety so much as flesh it out. It took my anxious response to the world, about which I felt a lot of confusion and shame, and let me understand it more completely. Perhaps the best way to phrase it is to say that meditation showed me that the other side of anxiety is desire. They exist in relationship to each other, not independently (The Best Quotes)
The best programs are written so that computing machines can perform them quickly and so that human beings can understand them clearly. A programmer is ideally an essayist who works with traditional aesthetic and literary forms as well as mathematical concepts, to communicate the way that an algorithm works and to convince a reader that the results will be correct (The Best Quotes)
You are the best person I’ve met in years, and if I’d met you in a year’s time, or maybe even a few months, I know we could be happy together, but I can’t give you what you need (The Best Quotes)
Boys are unpredictable. This maybe not be news, but I’m starting to think it’s one of the best things about them (The Best Quotes)
The best leaders are the ones who show their true colors not during the banner years but during times of struggle (The Best Quotes)
The evil done by men of goodwill is the worst of all... We have done terrible things, for the best of reasons, and that makes it worse (The Best Quotes)
... if you’re someone who knows the worst thing can happen at any time, aren’t you also someone who knows the best thing can happen at any time too? (The Best Quotes)
Everything seems asleep, and yet going on all the time. It is a goodly life that you lead, friend; no doubt the best in the world, if only you are strong enough to lead it! (The Best Quotes)
If time stood still, and we could choose the time, the best time, then love without pain would be all I know (The Best Quotes)
To me, the best zombie movies aren’t the splatter fests of gore and violence with goofy characters and tongue in cheek antics. Good zombie movies show us how messed up we are, they make us question our station in society… and our society’s station in the world. They show us gore and violence and all that cool stuff too… but there’s always an undercurrent of social commentary and thoughtfulness (The Best Quotes)
Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them (The Best Quotes)
Sometimes, people have a tendency not to notice someone who’s always there, even if that person’s the best thing for them (The Best Quotes)
I had learned that there were times when fighting was impossible, when the best thing to do was to wait and to learn (The Best Quotes)
The best time to cry is at night, when the lights are out and someone is being beaten up and screaming for help (The Best Quotes)
The highest love a person can have for you is to wish for you to evolve into the best person you can be (The Best Quotes)
Let me tell something, seeing your name and psychiatric ward on the same piece of paper isn’t the best way to start your day (The Best Quotes)
I had asked her for help, and she had sent me to the lions. I knew that she was trying to save her little girl, but sometimes mothers with the best intentions kill their daughters all the same (The Best Quotes)