The best things in life cannot be willed into being

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The best things in life cannot be willed into being
Anthony de Mello, a Jesuit priest and spiritual teacher, often spoke about the idea that the best things in life cannot be willed into being. This concept is rooted in the belief that true happiness, fulfillment, and peace cannot be achieved through sheer force of will or effort. Instead, these things must be allowed to unfold naturally, without attachment or expectation.De Mello believed that many people spend their lives chasing after external achievements and possessions in the hopes that they will bring them happiness and fulfillment. However, he argued that true happiness comes from within and cannot be found in material possessions or external circumstances. In his teachings, de Mello emphasized the importance of letting go of attachments and desires in order to experience true freedom and inner peace.
According to de Mello, the best things in life – such as love, joy, and inner peace – are not things that can be acquired through effort or willpower. Instead, they are gifts that come to us when we are open and receptive to them. De Mello often used parables and stories to illustrate this point, showing how people who are too focused on achieving their goals or controlling their circumstances often miss out on the beauty and wonder of life.
One of de Mello's most famous teachings is the idea of "waking up" to the present moment. He believed that many people go through life in a state of unconsciousness, sleepwalking through their days without truly experiencing the richness and beauty of the world around them. By learning to be present and mindful in each moment, de Mello argued, we can open ourselves up to the best things in life – love, joy, and inner peace.