The City Quotes

Text Quotes
He worked like hell in the country so he could live in the city, where he worked like hell so he could live in the country (The City Quotes)
Despite the litany of the sorrows of the city, we must believe in the ability of man to respond to the problems of his environment (The City Quotes)
As they suspect a man in the city who is ostentatious of his riches, so should the woman he who makes the most noise of her virtue (The City Quotes)
I have known the silence of the stars and of the sea. And the silence of the city when it pauses, and the silence of a man and a maid, and the silence for which music alone finds the word (The City Quotes)
The city reveals the moral ends of being, and sets the awful problem of life. The country soothes us, refreshes us, lifts us up with religious suggestion (The City Quotes)
Fields and trees are not willing to teach me anything; but this can be effected by men residing in the city (The City Quotes)
Before the Great Chicago Fire, no one took notice of Patrick and Catherine O’Leary, two Irish immigrants who lived with their five children on the city’s West Side (The City Quotes)
Immigrants use the library often. A lot of them don’t have access to books and Internet at home. They seem so disconnected to the city (The City Quotes)
I grew up in leafy suburbs in north and east Belfast, but if I had been born a mile down the road closer to the city centre, you might never heard of me (The City Quotes)
I screamed aloud that I was not afraid; that I never could be afraid; and others screamed with me for solace. We swore to one another that the city was exactly the same, and still alive (The City Quotes)
Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness, natives give it solidity and continuity, but the settlers give it passion (The City Quotes)
Human sympathy has its limits, and we were contented to let all their tragic arguments fade with the city lights behind (The City Quotes)
The street is the river of life of the city, the place where we come together, the pathway to the center (The City Quotes)
A baseball club is part of the chemistry of the city. A game isn’t just an athletic contest. It’s a picnic, a kind of town meeting (The City Quotes)
My brother was an improviser. He’s now a lobbyist, but he used to perform improv in the city when he was in high school, and one of the funniest guys I know to this day (The City Quotes)
Honesty is the best policy ; a policy is, after all, a strategy for living in the polis in the city (The City Quotes)
Berry Gordy turned his house into a studio and discovered over 30 acts in the city. And we’re famous all over the world (The City Quotes)
Fancy the happiness of Pinocchio on finding himself free! Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and set out on the road that was to take him back to the house of the lovely Fairy (The City Quotes)
For 25 years, it has been my privilege to represent the city of San Francisco and the great state of California; to work to strengthen our vibrant middle class; to secure opportunity and equality (The City Quotes)
I am the son of poor peasants who came at a very young age to live in Algeria. I only recently saw the place where they were born, near the city of Marrakech (The City Quotes)
I’ve been through the process qualifying for the World Cup, which is an amazing, two-year process. It was an honor to represent the U. S. and to represent the city of Los Angeles and California (The City Quotes)
It’s a paradox to be an actress, living in the city, taking planes all the time, trying to find the right balance in this life, which is not so eco-friendly, and still try to respect the environment (The City Quotes)
Look, architecture has a lot of places to hide behind, a lot of excuses. ‘The client made me do this.’ ‘The city made me do this.’ ‘Oh, the budget.’ I don’t believe that anymore (The City Quotes)
When I lived in New York, not only did I have safety locks on the door but I had the music going, keeping the city at a distance, trying to find creative time and peace and so forth (The City Quotes)
When we started the show, ‘Dallas’ was known as the city where JFK was assassinated. By the end it was known as JR’s home town (The City Quotes)
The city of London, within the walls, occupies a space of only 370 acres, and is but the hundred and fortieth part of the extent covered by the whole metropolis (The City Quotes)
What a perfect way to end the home stand, by hitting sixty-two for the city of St. Louis and all the fans. I truly wanted to do it here and I did. Thank you St. Louis (The City Quotes)
Ay, rail at gaming - ‘tis a rich topic, and affords noble declamation. Go, preach against it in the city - you’ll find a congregation in every tavern (The City Quotes)
My parents had been involved in the labor movement; if we’d grown up in the city, we would have been red - diaper babies (The City Quotes)
I think they got caught up in how much money they could get from each of the city governments as far as tax rebates. But that stuff works when you make money. It’s a little bit phantom money (The City Quotes)