The cross stands high above the opinions of men and to that cross all opinions must come at last for judgment

The cross stands high above the opinions of men and to that cross all opinions must come at last for judgment
In the quote "The cross stands high above the opinions of men and to that cross all opinions must come at last for judgment," A.W. Tozer is emphasizing the ultimate authority and significance of the cross in Christianity. Tozer, a prominent Christian author and preacher, believed that the cross of Jesus Christ was the central symbol of the Christian faith and the ultimate standard by which all beliefs and opinions should be measured.Tozer's statement highlights the idea that human opinions and beliefs are ultimately subject to the judgment of the cross. In Christianity, the cross represents the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for the sins of humanity, as well as the victory of Christ over sin and death through his resurrection. As such, the cross serves as a symbol of God's love, grace, and redemption, as well as a reminder of the ultimate truth and righteousness that all people will be held accountable to.
By stating that the cross stands high above the opinions of men, Tozer is emphasizing the transcendent and eternal nature of the cross. Human opinions are fleeting and fallible, subject to change and error. In contrast, the message of the cross remains constant and unchanging, serving as a beacon of truth and righteousness in a world filled with conflicting beliefs and ideologies.
Tozer's assertion that all opinions must come to the cross for judgment underscores the idea that the cross serves as the ultimate standard of truth and righteousness. In the light of the cross, all human opinions and beliefs are ultimately measured and evaluated. Those beliefs that align with the message of the cross – such as love, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice – are affirmed, while those that contradict or oppose the message of the cross are found wanting.
Overall, Tozer's quote highlights the central importance of the cross in Christianity and the ultimate authority that it holds over all human opinions and beliefs. The cross serves as a reminder of God's love and grace, as well as a standard of truth and righteousness by which all beliefs and opinions are ultimately judged.