The devil knows if he can capture your thought life he has won a mighty victory over you

The devil knows if he can capture your thought life he has won a mighty victory over you
Smith Wigglesworth, a renowned evangelist and preacher known for his powerful faith and miraculous healing ministry, understood the importance of guarding one's thought life against the schemes of the devil. He believed that the devil's primary strategy was to attack the mind, knowing that if he could capture a person's thoughts, he could ultimately control their actions and beliefs.Wigglesworth often spoke about the spiritual battle that takes place in the mind, emphasizing the need for believers to renew their minds daily with the Word of God and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. He believed that the mind was the battleground where the enemy sought to plant seeds of doubt, fear, and unbelief, leading people away from God's truth and into bondage.