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The elevator to success is not running; you must climb the stairs

The elevator to success is not running; you must climb  the stairs Picture Quote #1

The elevator to success is not running; you must climb the stairs

Zig Ziglar, a renowned motivational speaker and author, once famously said, “The elevator to success is not running; you must climb the stairs.” This powerful statement encapsulates the idea that achieving success requires hard work, determination, and perseverance. In other words, there are no shortcuts or easy paths to success – you must be willing to put in the effort and take the necessary steps to reach your goals.

Ziglar’s quote serves as a reminder that success is not handed to us on a silver platter. It is something that must be earned through dedication and hard work. Just like climbing a flight of stairs, success requires taking one step at a time, facing challenges head-on, and pushing through obstacles along the way. It is a gradual process that requires patience, resilience, and a strong work ethic.
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