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The End Quotes

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I think all comics borrow from each other. Only a few have an original voice, and I wasn’t one of them. In the end, I couldn’t figure out who to steal from, so I stopped doing it  (The End Quotes) I was lucky. My family is wonderful. And it’s funny, because most of my best friends come from very large families. So it always felt as if I had lots of siblings, though in the end I had to leave them and go home. I kind of got the best of both worlds as a kid  (The End Quotes) That jam was so much fun that by the end of the tour, we just jammed on all of the songs  (The End Quotes) I can’t remember ever staying for the end of a movie in which the actors wore togas  (The End Quotes) Much melancholy has devolved upon mankind, and it is detestable to me that might will triumph in the end  (The End Quotes) If it’s coming near the end of a chapter and I’m really getting into it, I tend to get up earlier and earlier, just because I’m excited to get to work  (The End Quotes) I think it’s the end of progress if you stand still and think of what you’ve done in the past. I keep on  (The End Quotes) I think the idea that death is not the end, that your dog’s just gone to live on the farm, is limiting. Thoughts like that prevent you from making the most of the time that you have  (The End Quotes) I slipped at a bus stop; I went one way and my hair went the other. That was the end of my wig  (The End Quotes) I never really am in awe of people because we are just equal at the end of the day  (The End Quotes) The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day, we’re just trying to prevent each other from going mad  (The End Quotes) I have absorbed my life now. I am ready for my music to unfold. I know time flies, but before the end of this year, the album will be out. Even if it kills me  (The End Quotes) Yeah, because what it all boils down to is at the end of the day, we are all riding on the same boat and we have to learn how to deal with each other. I think that the music and what we do in our actions is what can kind of bring us together, hopefully  (The End Quotes) Censorship always defeats it own purpose, for it creates in the end the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion  (The End Quotes) If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are looking the wrong way  (The End Quotes) Part of what makes you great as a young player can hurt you at the end of your career, in terms of you need a certain amount of ego, a certain amount of arrogance to be able to play well and to push yourself and trick yourself into thinking you’re better than you really are  (The End Quotes) I’ve never heard of a comedy that hasn’t had reshoots, especially for the ending of a movie in a comedy  (The End Quotes) It seems that the greatest difficulty is to find the end. Don’t try to find it, it’s there already  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day it’s the fans who make you who you are  (The End Quotes) My fellow students there were very smart, but the really novel thing was that they actually seemed to put a lot of effort into their school work. By the end of my first semester there, I began to get into that habit as well  (The End Quotes) You have to pick the stories that you want to be involved with and the end game is you’d like to be a part of a hit. But I think your moral obligation is to follow your own heart  (The End Quotes) The awful thing, as a kid reading, was that you came to the end of the story, and that was it. I mean, it would be heartbreaking that there was no more of it  (The End Quotes) Nowadays people don’t know how to handle it if all the ends aren’t tied up and they’re not told what to think in films. And if they’re challenged, they think it’s something wrong with the film  (The End Quotes) I think just because life is hard, it does seem fun to have a break and laugh about things, so I think in the end, my instincts go there  (The End Quotes) I’d get more applause than some because I was just seventeen. If they didn’t clap at the end of my act I would limp off stage and boy would they feel guilty. They would all burst into tremendous applause as they saw this poor cripple kid walking off  (The End Quotes) Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made  (The End Quotes) My only feeling about superstition is that it’s unlucky to be behind at the end of the game  (The End Quotes) I’ve been on teams that lost a hundred games in a season. I’ve been on teams that had a shot to make the playoffs and fizzled out at the end  (The End Quotes) There are so many scenarios here. We tried to prepare for the worst summer in 40 years and build assumptions based on that. We’re preparing for the worst, but we’re hoping for the best. And I’ve told people the end is in sight  (The End Quotes)
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