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The End Quotes

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Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there’s but a hair’s breath between them. It’s all one in the end  (The End Quotes) When a person has lived generously and fought fiercely, she deserves more than sadness at the end  (The End Quotes) There are significant relationships, of course, between wanting things and caring about them.. The notion of caring is in large part constructed out of the notion of desire. Caring about something may be, in the end, nothing more than a certain complex mode of wanting it. However, simply attributing desire to a person does not in itself convey that the person cares about the object he desires  (The End Quotes) Literature offers the thrill of minds of great clarity wrestling with the endless problems and delights of being human. To engage with them is to engage with oneself, and the lasting rewards are not confined to specific career paths  (The End Quotes) Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. Instead it’s about becoming more fully human... It is the end of ignorance  (The End Quotes) I’ve always believed in savoring the moments. In the end, they are the only things we’ll have  (The End Quotes) I do not think that you can be changing the end of a song or a story like that, as though it were quite separate from the rest. I think the end of a story is part of it from the beginning  (The End Quotes) You know, when I was in love, I was always inventing things. A whole array of tricks, illusions and optical effects to amuse my lady friend. I think she’d had enough of my inventions by the end... I wanted to create a voyage to the moon just for her, but what I should have given her was a real journey on earth  (The End Quotes) Can it really be love if we don’t talk that much, don’t see each other? Isn’t love something that happens between people who spend time together and know each other’s faults and take care of each other?... In the end, I decide that the mark we’ve left on each other is the color and shape of love  (The End Quotes) Clouds are poems, and the most moving poems linger on the blackboard so long, written in cursive so lovely, they also exist inside our fingertips. We never really erase them at the end of the lesson  (The End Quotes) I was feeling safe. Not the kind of safe where you know there are still bad things howling outside the door waiting to get in. No, it was the kind of safe where you sink down in your bed at the end of the day and know you can go to sleep and everything is going to be the same tomorrow  (The End Quotes) If I had done this, if I had said that, in the end you are always more tormented by what you didn’t do than what you did, actions already performed can always be rationalized in time, the neglected deed might have changed the world  (The End Quotes) How can two people love each other, create children together, cohabitiate, build a life together, and then end up hating each other in the end  (The End Quotes) Society can give its young men almost any job and they’ll figure how to do it. They’ll suffer for it and die for it and watch their friends die for it, but in the end, it will get done. That only means that society should be careful about what it asks for... Soldiers themselves are reluctant to evaluate the costs of war, but someone must. That evaluation, ongoing and unadulterated by politics, may be the one thing a country absolutely owes the soldiers who defend its borders  (The End Quotes) Powerful to alleviate, to delay, to camouflage, though money is, in the end it lets us down  (The End Quotes) Perhaps it’s time, I muse, to close those chapters and remember the enduring lesson of my entrapment: that relationships, not accomplishments, are what’s important in life  (The End Quotes) In the end, I always act from the heart, even if I also value reason and tradition. I wish I could explain why, but I don’t know  (The End Quotes) What folly made young people, even those in middle age, think they were immortal? How much better, their lives, if they could remember the end. Carrying your death with you every day would make it hard to waste time on unkindness and anger and bitterness, on anything petty. That was the secret: remembering your dying time, in order to keep the stupid and the ugly out of your living time  (The End Quotes) It was possible, he understood, for a person’s life to become just a long series of mistakes, and that the end, when it came, was just one more mistake in a chain of bad choices. The thing was, most of these mistakes were actually borrowed from other people. You took their bad ideas, and for whatever reason, made them your own  (The End Quotes) All of us yearn for the highest wisdom, but we have to rely on ourselves in the end  (The End Quotes) O what a blessed day that will be when I shall... stand on the shore and look back on the raging seas I have safely passed; when I shall review my pains and sorrows, my fears and tears, and possess the glory which was the end of all!  (The End Quotes) As much as I like it when a book I’m writing speeds along, the downside can be that an author becomes too eager to finish and rushes the end. The end is even more important than the first page, and rushing can damage it  (The End Quotes) So we face our final hours... and all that was once certain has become uncertain. Except for defeat. That, as always, is the end of all our stories  (The End Quotes) So the story goes but theres something you should know before I walk away and I blow the ending I never want to be without you oh no here I go now you know what I feel about you theres no running must have been wrong to doubt you oh there I go no control and I’m fallen so now you know  (The End Quotes) I cannot believe this is the end. Nor can I believe that death is more than the blindness of those living. And if this is only the consolation of a heart in its necessity, or that easy faith born of despair, it does not matter, since it gives us courage somehow to face the mornings. Which is as much as the heart can ask at times  (The End Quotes) He’d come back, all open and helpless, and I suppose that’s what won her around in the end. But it was so sad, because it was being himself that he found so difficult to cope with  (The End Quotes) People say it’s better to know the truth, but what if the ending’s a bad one? Is it still better to know? Or is it kinder to keep that string of hope dangling? To believe that maybe if you just wait long enough, everything could still end the way you want  (The End Quotes) I found I was repeating myself. It is the beginning of the end when you discover you have style  (The End Quotes) It’s okay to struggle to find our place in this world and the person who will take us for who and what we are. Sometimes we dress ourselves in layers that only get peeled away in the end, to leave us as we should be  (The End Quotes) He can’t really love anyone, you know, and in the end such people are always alone, no matter how much other people once loved them  (The End Quotes)
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