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The End Quotes

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In the end, all you want is someone to long for you when it comes time to put you in the ground  (The End Quotes) I am a professional transvestite, so I can run about in heels and not fall over. Cause if a woman falls over wearing heels, that’s embarrassing. But if a bloke falls over wearing heels, you have to kill yourself. It’s the end of your life  (The End Quotes) God arranges everything for us, so that we need have no more fear or trouble and may be quite sure that all things will come right in the end  (The End Quotes) Once upon a time, they say, there was a girl... there was a boy... there was a person who was in trouble. And this is what she did... and what he did... and how they learned to survive it. This is what they did... and why one failed... and why another triumphed in the end. And I know that it’s true, because I danced at their wedding and drank their very best wine  (The End Quotes) You try to keep life simple but it never works, and in the end all you have left is yourself  (The End Quotes) We breathe, sleep, drink, eat, work and then die! The end of life is death. What do you long for? Love? A few kisses and you will be powerless. Money? What for? To gratify your desires. Glory? What coems after it all? Death! Death alone is certain  (The End Quotes) Whereas the tourist generally hurries back home at the end of a few weeks or months, the traveler belonging no more to one place than to the next, moves slowly over periods of years, from one part of the earth to another. Indeed, he would have found it difficult to tell, among the many places he had lived, precisely where it was he had felt most at home  (The End Quotes) The lamp sizzled as it burned. It made everything seem close and safe, a little family circle they all knew and trusted. Outside this circle lay everything that was strange and frightening, and the darkness seemed to reach higher and higher and further and further away, right to the end of the world  (The End Quotes) I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world  (The End Quotes) The people who matter the most to us in the end, who teach us the most, are the people who make their worst mistakes with us  (The End Quotes) Sometimes fear made you angry. Perhaps after years anger cooled, like a sword taken from a forge. Perhaps in the end you were left with something very cold and very sharp  (The End Quotes) We all have ideas about love and death. We keep a close eye out for them our entire lives, seeking one and avoiding the other, knowing all the while that both are mostly beyond our control. It is a both scary and exciting predicament. In the end, it all depends on how you look at it. One thing is for sure; it is never quite what you expect  (The End Quotes) It was a part of myself that was my enemy; I still had a childish illusion that the flesh on my own bones was somehow unique and precious to the universe, in some obscure corner of my mind I wanted the others to love me and make exceptions for me simply because I felt heat and cold, pain and loneliness as they did. Now this was gone once and for all, and I understood there were no exceptions and on one was invulnerable, we all had to share the same conditions and in the end this was simply mortality, the mortality of things as well as ourselves. After that I didn’t expect anybody to love me  (The End Quotes) I think so, too. I know I felt that way. For years. It was as if I was a character in a movie and the real action was about to start at any minute. But I think some people wait forever, and only at the end of their lives do they realize that their life has happened while they were waiting for it to start  (The End Quotes) On calm days, you always think you’ve conquered them. You think that in the end you’ve finally done them in. That you’ve got rid of them for good, now and forever. But that seldom happens. Most of the time, the demons are still there, lurking somewhere in the shadows. Tirelessly waiting for the moment when our guard drops. And when love goes away  (The End Quotes) And don’t tell me the end justifies the means because it doesn’t. We never reach the end. All we ever get is means. That’s what we live with  (The End Quotes) Just be true to yourself, and listen as much as one is able to to other people whose opinions you respect and look up to but in the end it has to come from you. You can’t really worry too much by looking to the left and the right about what the competition is doing or what other people in your field are doing. It has to be a true vision  (The End Quotes) I still don’t know if things fit together, or if everything will be all right in the end. But I believe that something means something. I believe in cleansing the soul through fun and games. I also believe in love. And I have several good friends, and just one bad one  (The End Quotes) There was something in the pages of these books that had the power to make him feel better about things, a life raft to cling to before the dark currents of memory washed him downstream again, and on brighter days, he could even see himself going on this way for some time. A small but passable life. And then, of course, the end of the world happened  (The End Quotes) Every day you amass knowledge in a frantic race against death that death must win. You want to find out everything in the time you have; yet in the end you wonder why you bothered, it’ll all be lost. I keep trying to explain this to anyone who will listen  (The End Quotes) It’s different when the person you love dies. There’s an awful finality to death. But it is final. The end. And there’s the funeral, family gatherings, grieving, all of those necessary rituals. And they help, believe me. When the object of your love just disappears, there’s no way to deal with the grief and pain  (The End Quotes) In the end I sort of though we created a companion who was so alive and dynamic and so wedded to the doctor that you’d need a whole universe to contain her in. The only way to get rid of her is to send her into a parallel world from which she can never return; otherwise she would stay with the doctor forever  (The End Quotes) He had a heart that could have held the entire empire of the world; and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar  (The End Quotes) What you feel doesn’t matter in the end; it’s what you do that makes you brave  (The End Quotes) Racing is about discipline and intelligence, not about who has the heavier foot. The one who drives smart will always win in the end  (The End Quotes) People speak of a will to live. They rarely speak of a will to die. Because people are afraid of death. Death is dark and unknown and frightening. But not for me. It is not the end  (The End Quotes) Where the storyteller is loyal, eternally and unswervingly loyal to the story, there, in the end, silence will speak. Where the story has been betrayed, silence is but emptiness. But we, the faithful, when we have spoken our last word, will hear the voice of silence  (The End Quotes) Because here’s the thing: No matter how much one tells stories of magical beasts or impossible worlds, in the end, it is always the world of here and now one is writing about. The better one understands that world, the more powerful the stories will be  (The End Quotes) Everything will be alright in the end so if it is not alright it is not the end  (The End Quotes) In the end, the bedrock of existence is not made up of the family, or work, or what others say or think of you, but of moments like this when you are exalted by a transcendent power that is more serene than love. Life dispenses them parsimoniously; our feeble hearts could not stand more  (The End Quotes)
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