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The End Quotes

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Irony won’t save you from anything; humour doesn’t do anything at all. You can look at life ironically for years, maybe decades; there are people who seem to go through most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart. Doesn’t matter how brave you are, or how reserved, or how much you’ve developed a sense of humour, you still end up with your heart broken. That’s when you stop laughing  (The End Quotes) We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there even though we go away and there are things in us we can find again only by going back there. We travel to ourselves when we go to a place. We have covered a stretch of our life no matter how brief it may have been but by traveling to ourselves we must confront our own loneliness. And isn’t it so that everything we do is done out of fear of our loneliness? Isn’t that why we renounce all the things we will regret at the end of our life?  (The End Quotes) You’re alive only once, as far as we know, and what could be worse than getting to the end of your life and realizing you hadn’t lived it?  (The End Quotes) In the end, I’d loved him enough to let go. From afar, I would love him forever  (The End Quotes) There’s so much I should say, so many things I should tell him, but in the end I tell him nothing. I cut a line and my losses, and I light a cigarette  (The End Quotes) The dead are never far from us. They’re in our hearts and on our minds and in the end all that separates us from them is a single breath, one final puff of air  (The End Quotes) In the end, I cared about him so much that I just thought he deserved someone who loved him more than I did  (The End Quotes) People get sick and sometimes they get better and sometimes they don’t. And it doesn’t matter if the sickness is cancer or if it’s depression. Sometimes the drugs work and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes the drugs work for a while and then they stop. Sometimes the alternative stuff works and sometimes it doesn’t. And sometimes you wonder if no outside interference makes any difference at all; if an illness is like a storm, if it simply has to run its course and, at the end of it, depending on how robust you are, you will be alive. Or you will be dead  (The End Quotes) It’s the strangest thing about being human: to know so much, to communicate so much, and yet always to fall so drastically short of clarity, to be, in the end, so isolate and inadequate. Even when people try to say things, they say them poorly or obliquely, or they outright lie, sometimes because they’re lying to you, but as often because they’re lying to themselves  (The End Quotes) Invader and invaded held on to their fistfuls of earth, but in the end, the earth outlived the hands that held it  (The End Quotes) At the end of the day, though, the entire basis for consent laws doesn’t make sense. We’re not old enough to decide if we don’t want a baby, but we are old enough to have one?  (The End Quotes) It reminded him that time was short, but that beautiful endings could still be found at the end of cold, dreary days  (The End Quotes) Isolation offered its own form of companionship: the reliable silence of her rooms, the steadfast tranquility of the evenings. The promise that she would find things where she put them, that there would be no interruption, no surprise. It greeted her at the end of each day and lay still with her at night  (The End Quotes) He seems to have become a part of my life and I’m disappointed if I don’t see him. If I get to the end of the day without seeing someone who reminds me of him, I feel as if a dull shadow has fallen over me  (The End Quotes) It’s not fair. It’s not. But then, that’s the game. It makes life great. The fact that it ends when we don’t want it to. The ending gives it meaning  (The End Quotes) On our own we simply don’t know how to get things done the same way you do things. But, like everyone else, we want to do the best we possibly can. When we sense you’ve given up on us, it makes us feel miserable. So please keep helping us, through to the end  (The End Quotes) We work so hard to get somewhere, to realize a dream, to arrive at some destination, that we often forget that though some satisfaction may be waiting at the end of our endurance and effort, there is great and irreplaceable aliveness in the steps along the way  (The End Quotes) I have been proposed to four times. Twice at the beginning of a relationship and twice at the end of a relationship. I’ve never said no. I just didn’t give an answer!  (The End Quotes) Our mission in life is not to discover our fate as we go along, or even to procreate, but rather to fill up the endless gray void that is time  (The End Quotes) At the beginning of a dynasty, taxation yields a large revenue from small assessments. At the end of the dynasty, taxation yields a small revenue from large assessments  (The End Quotes) Knowledge about the process being modeled starts fairly low, then increases as understanding is obtained and tapers off to a high value at the end  (The End Quotes) Music is like a mirror in front of you. You’re exposing everything, but surely that’s better than suppressing... You have to dig deep and that can be hard for anybody, no matter what profession. I feel that I need to actually push myself to the limit to feel happy with the end result  (The End Quotes) And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end  (The End Quotes) ... in the end, there is nothing a man can do that a woman can’t, except be a father  (The End Quotes) Think not of the amount to be accomplished, the difficulties to be overcome, or the end to be attained, but set earnestly at the little task at your elbow, letting that be sufficient for the day  (The End Quotes) The world’s major religions in the end all want the same thing, even though they were born in different places and circumstances on this planet. What the world needs today is a convergence of the different religions in the search for and definition of the cosmic or divine laws which ought to regulate our behavior on this planet  (The End Quotes) You’ll be richer in the end than a prince, if you’re a friend  (The End Quotes) It gets better. It seems hard, you know, I think being different is always gonna be a tough climb. There’s always gonna be people that are scared of it. But at the end of the day you give those bullies, those people, that are so ignorant, if you give them the power to affect you, you’re letting them win. And they don’t deserve that. What you’re doing by being yourself is you’re keeping it real, and you’re being really brave  (The End Quotes) We have to fight the entire time, we can’t start at the end when it’s getting down to crunch time. We can’t leave anything on the floor  (The End Quotes) I didn’t want to fall back. But I realized it was more important to make it to the end under my own power than to run flat out in the lead or in second and then run out of fuel with a lap to go  (The End Quotes)
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