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The End Quotes

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In the name of religion, one tortures, persecutes, builds pyres. In the guise of ideologies, one massacres, tortures and kills. In the name of justice one punishes... in the name of love of one’s country or of one’s race hates other countries, despises them, massacres them. In the name of equality and brotherhood there is suppression and torture. There is nothing in common between the means and the end, the means go far beyond the end... ideologies and religion... are the alibis of the means  (The End Quotes) In the absence of a great dream pettiness prevails. Shred visions foster risk taking, courage and innovation. Keeping the end in mind creates the confidence to make decisions even in moments of crisis  (The End Quotes) Go play golf. Go to the golf course. Hit the ball. Find the ball. Repeat until the ball is in the hole. Have fun. The end  (The End Quotes) My only goal is to look back at the end of each year and see that I have improved  (The End Quotes) The odds are six to five that the light in the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train  (The End Quotes) There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. And it’s a train  (The End Quotes) However it is achieved, a thorough reorganisation of production, consumption and distribution will be the end result of humanity’s response to the climate emergency and the broader environmental crisis  (The End Quotes) You can spend a bit of yourself when you give yourself to a character. At the end of a job, you have to remind yourself who and what you are  (The End Quotes) In the end, the secret to learning is so simple: Think only about whatever you love. Follow it, do it, dream about it... and it will hit you: learning was there all the time, happening by itself  (The End Quotes) What is freedom, in the end, but that no one cares any longer to try to restrain us?  (The End Quotes) May each of you live lives of immersion. They won’t necessarily be easy lives. But in the end, it is all that will sustain us  (The End Quotes) A warming of this magnitude would risk the end of civilization as we know it by the end of this century  (The End Quotes) In the end, the aggressors always destroy themselves, making way for others who know how to cooperate and get along. Life is much less a competitive struggle for survival than a triumph of cooperation and creativity  (The End Quotes) Americans like to believe we can overcome all obstacles and always triumph in the end, but that’s not real life and a steady diet of stories like that will give you a pretty unhealthy view of reality  (The End Quotes) Whether philosophically you believe in a public subsidization of an arena or a stadium, that’s the reality. We can’t have professional basketball in this community by the end of our lease in 2010 without subsidization  (The End Quotes) We believe the super stock option will become a reality before the end of 2000,... It’s a good idea whose time has come  (The End Quotes) You can kill time or kill yourself, it comes to the same thing in the end  (The End Quotes) The goal in the end is not to win elections. The goal is to change society  (The End Quotes) If, at the end of my days, the sum of what I’ve taken exceeds the sum of what I’ve given, then I have lived in vain  (The End Quotes) Ultimately, at the end of the day, you couldn’t say you were better than the other person because you knew you had a secret. You knew you had cheated  (The End Quotes) Great pilots are made not born... A man may possess good eyesight, sensitive hands, and perfect coordination, but the end result is only fashioned by steady coaching, much practice, and experience  (The End Quotes) In the end, when it’s over, all that matters is what you’ve done  (The End Quotes) Whatever your problems are, keep in mind that you die at the end of all this. Lets get out there, brutalize ourselves and laugh at those certain pricks who take it seriously, like there is any way to win in all this  (The End Quotes) All the beautiful things in this world are lies. They count for nothing in the end  (The End Quotes) Never be frightened by those you assume have more talent than you do, because in the end energy will prevail. My formula is: energy plus talent and you are a king; energy and no talent and you are still a prince; talent and no energy and you are a pauper  (The End Quotes) The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work... The real arena is corrupt and bloody  (The End Quotes) The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means  (The End Quotes) Well... I still can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. These politicians are such sleazebags that you just don’t know. You can’t really get anything from a lot of them once they get into power. They totally forget about all their commitments. The poor people elect them, and they forget about all the poor people  (The End Quotes) Our society will always remain an unstable and explosive compound as long as political power is vested in the masses and economic power in the classes. In the end one of these powers will rule. Either the plutocracy will buy up the democracy, or the democracy will vote away the plutocracy  (The End Quotes) Only freedom from prejudice and tireless zeal avail for the most holy of the endeavours of mankind, the practice of the true art of healing  (The End Quotes)
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